Essential Guide: Reality of IP

September 10th 2018 - 11:00 AM
by Tony Orme, Technology Editor at The Broadcast Bridge

As broadcasters migrate to IP, the spotlight is focusing more and more on IT infrastructure. Quietly in the background, IT has been making unprecedented progress in infrastructure design to deliver low latency high-speed networks, and new highly adaptable business models, to make real-time video and audio work in IT infrastructures.

To help readers understand the new emerging technology, The Broadcast Bridge Technology Editor, Tony Orme, has written this Essential Guide, Reality of IP. You will learn how advances in 5G networks and infrastructures are already meeting the high-speeds and low latencies broadcasters demand.

But there is more to improving data throughput than just building faster networks and higher specification servers. Tony Orme digs deep into these systems to give a detailed description of the specific challenges IT have already solved that are directly applicable to SMPTE’s ST2110.

Readers will learn how to accelerate server data throughput by as much as ten times to achieve speeds of 233Gbits/s. And learn how IT manufacturers have already overcome some of the challenges of processing video and audio in real-time.

With this new technical innovation, IT is delivering business models to keep broadcasters live 24/7. Readers will discover how well-defined relationships between traditional broadcast service providers and OEM manufacturers such as HPE, are emerging and providing the best of all worlds for broadcasters – flexible and highly adaptable products, with world class follow-the-sun enterprise grade technical support.

Learn about the underlying principles of high-speed IT networks and how other technologies migrate to broadcast so you can deliver the COTS efficiencies your CEO demands. Read the tutorial, Reality of IP.

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