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Steps Towards Sustainability In Broadcast December 9th 2022 - 09:30 AM

As in so many industries debate within broadcast is turning to what may be required for broadcasters and producers to improve sustainability and raise their ESG scores?

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Several 4G LTE modems in the trunk of a SUV were tested with cameras simultaneously streaming to different IPs with video different modems.

5G Vs 4G LTE For Field Production December 1st 2022 - 09:30 AM

An assessment of the pros and cons of moving to 5G cellular services for field production.

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Productive Cloud Workflows - Part 2 November 30th 2022 - 09:30 AM

We conclude this two-part article examining how IP is an enabling technology that facilitates the use of data centers and cloud technology to power media workflows.

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Control rooms can be simple or complex, depending upon the type of content and the amount needed on a regular basis.

The Basic Principles Of Production Control Room Design November 29th 2022 - 09:00 AM

Designing and building a production control room means different things to different people and is often accomplished in a myriad of ways.

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Productive Cloud Workflows - Part 1 November 18th 2022 - 09:30 AM

IP is an enabling technology that facilitates the use of data centers and cloud technology to power media workflows. The speed with which COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) hardware can now process data means video and audio signals can be transcoded, edited, and transferred with speeds that are fast enough for real-time live and file-based workflows.

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5G Impact Grows For Broadcast And Remote Production October 14th 2022 - 09:30 AM

Broadcast and remote production over cellular are coming of age in the 5G era as was evident at the recent IBC 2022 in Amsterdam. Remote production is being extended in the field by highly portable “5G in a box” systems, while for broadcast there is an active debate between two alternative architectures, one enhancing the existing mobile infrastructure and the other imposing an overlay via the HPHT (High Power High Tower) model.

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Flexible Contribution Over IP - Part 2 October 12th 2022 - 09:00 AM

Delivering determinant latency is more important than fighting variable latency, even if it is small. In this article, we look at how codec design and JPEG-XS can scale to make the best use of network bandwidth while keeping latency predictable.

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Planning Prevents Panic October 3rd 2022 - 09:30 AM

The more digital TV technology advances, the more the fundamental elements of TV remain the same.

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