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Stephen Whiting, director for Newsy, running the show from his home using Viz Mosart newsroom automation software.

News Production Technologies Support Seamless Working From Home March 5th 2021 - 09:00 AM

With the pandemic’s alarming numbers now decreasing, news anchors have carefully begun reporting from the studio again, albeit in separate parts of the building and socially distanced. However, the IP-enabled technology and remote workflows developed by equipment vendors across the industry during the worst of it have endured and will for some time. These new tools allow reporters, producers and technicians to work from home by streamlining the process of producing a newscast.

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The Super Bowl LV EFC staff will check-in, label and confirm that RF devices won

RF At Super Bowl LV February 4th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The #1 rule of live broadcasting is that things tend to fail at the worst possible time. The greater the ratings, the more likely something highly unlikely but mission-critical will fail, broadcast RF and wireless communication systems included. Count on it.

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CBS has unveiled a new augmented reality graphics look for Super Bowl LV where images crumble to sand in 3D.

Super Bowl LV Is Live Production Industry’s Biggest Triumph February 2nd 2021 - 09:00 AM

When CBS Sports broadcasts images of the players taking the field on February 7th for Super Bowl LV to millions of viewers around the world, it will be the culmination of the most challenging season for live football sports production in the U.S.

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TV weather forecasts will migrate ever more to the cloud during 2021 to cope with peaks in demand during extreme events.

Analytics, Targeting, Mobile And Privacy To Thrive In 2021 January 14th 2021 - 09:00 AM

Barring the unexpected, the broad themes of 2021 in broadcasting and media entertainment have already been sculpted by the unprecedented events of 2020.

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NFL 2021

Tech + Media Predictions 2021 - Part 2 January 13th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The industry experienced futureshock head-on in 2020. The impact will take a long time to unwind but it’s already clear that some changes will be profound and not all of them bad. In part 2 we look at what sports and sportscasters need to do to change the live experience to make money and AI’s growing role in the ecosystem.

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Actors Michael Sheen and David Tennant played in Staged, the BBC drama series made with social distancing in mind.

Covid Shuffles The Broadcasting Pack January 7th 2021 - 09:00 AM

All industry sectors have been impacted by Covid-19 during 2020 and broadcasting is no exception, with a common theme being acceleration of trends already in train, both positive and negative.

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IP extenders use KVM-over-IP technology to transmit signals, allowing operators to access connected computers on Gigabit Ethernet networks.

KVM-Over-IP Comes Of Age December 24th 2020 - 09:00 AM

With many production personnel working from home these days, gaining access to computers and systems back at the studio can be tricky, both logistically and due to obtaining the right security authorization. In many cases, a network- or software-based solution is not adequate because the available bandwidth might run out, the VPN connection does not always guarantee sufficient transmission quality, or the connection is not reliable or secure enough.

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Remotely controlled operations helped broadcasters resume live sports coverage despite strict safety measures.

2020 In Review: Industry Bruised But Not Beaten December 23rd 2020 - 09:00 AM

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: The pandemic has had a highly disruptive effect on video production and distribution in 2020 and many agree it will be felt for several years. The inability for people to gather safely has made it impossible for full-scale video production to go ahead as it did before. Yet, the industry has risen to the challenge in a myriad of ways and learned to be more efficient in the process.

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