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Controlling a matrix of I/Os and functions with a GUI over IP provides a powerful remote operation advantage. Courtesy Riedel.

Is Remote Operation Underrated? April 15th 2021 - 09:00 AM

A recent Lawo remote activities case study notes, “It should be obvious by now that remote operation has been seriously underrated. For some, it allows to save substantial amounts of money, while others will appreciate the time gained from not having to travel.”

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Classic KVM Or KVM Over IP: Part 1 - Basics, Advantages And Challenges April 12th 2021 - 09:00 AM

Classical KVM or KVM-over-IP: what is the perfect fit for your application? - A comparison in two parts.

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The tweaking tool has been replaced by privileges, passwords and settings.

ATSC 3.0 : Right Place, Right Time April 9th 2021 - 09:00 AM

Many people and cultures celebrate special New Year dates. Organizations designate fiscal years. Broadcasters traditionally mark their new technology year mid-April, at annual NAB Shows. Old habits die hard.

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Lossless compression algorithms allow the original data to be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data.

Lossless Compression: Rewriting Data More Efficiently April 8th 2021 - 09:00 AM

There are many types of codecs, all used for specific purposes to reduce file sizes and make them easier to distribute down a limited bandwidth pipe. Lossy compression and Lossless compression are the two most common categories of data compression used to reduce the size of data without significant loss of information.

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Mediapro is building out its Corporate MAM infrastructure to connect all of its production and playout sites.

Mediapro’s MAM Strategy Is Spanning The Globe March 29th 2021 - 09:00 AM

As company mergers, acquisitions and extensive rights management agreements have become part of the new media landscape, it has created large multi-national conglomerates that span the globe. This in turn has revealed the need for IT networking technology and complex software orchestration that tie all of the disparate locations together and increase productivity across the company.

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Most retired engineers I’ve known loved every minute of it but never came back unless free food was involved.

The Trouble With TV March 12th 2021 - 09:00 AM

TV stations are great places to work, and talented technical people like the stability. The longer they work at a station, the more difficult they are to replace when they retire.

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Encoding, decoding, compression, distance and switch hops all add latency along the distributed signal path.

Latency Remains Thorn In Side Of Live Sports Remote Production March 11th 2021 - 09:00 AM

After years of trial and error designed to reduce operating cost and (more recently) keep crews safely distanced, remote production has found its niche in live production and will remain the de facto method for producing events over a distributed network infrastructure. However, a big hurdle left to overcome for successful deployment of such networked workflows is latency. In live production, video latency refers to the amount of time it takes for a single frame of video to transfer from the camera to a processing location (on premise or in the cloud) and back to the display—wherever that display might be.

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2021 HPA Tech Retreat Goes Virtual On Remote Production And More March 10th 2021 - 09:00 AM

As one of the last industry events to be held in person last year, the HPA Tech Retreat is going virtual for this year’s gathering of an elite group of broadcasters, production, and post-production professionals. The Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) holds this event every year and it has become one of the most anticipated networking and technology showcase events of the entire calendar.

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