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TV production companies have added features like Plexiglas dividers to separate crew and ensure their safety.

Production Crews Adapt To New Safety Protocols (And Less Staff) May 27th 2021 - 09:00 AM

If there’s one thing the production community has learned during the pandemic, it’s that ensuring the safety of the crew on site or in the studio should always be first and foremost in people’s minds. The second takeaway is that sending less people on site and implementing more remote support is the new normal that the industry is, somewhat begrudgingly, coming to terms with.

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The pandemic has not only affected TV production but also the sales of equipment used to support it.

With Easing Restrictions, Tech Companies Hoping For Quick Recovery May 26th 2021 - 09:00 AM

Over the past year, as broadcasters and production companies have expended great effort to reconfigure their workflows and develop new ways of working amid strict safety protocols, so too have the manufacturers of the technology and systems they rely on.

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Classic KVM Or KVM Over IP: Part 2 - Further Innovations May 18th 2021 - 09:30 AM

KVM-over-IP or classical KVM: what’s the better solution for my application?

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Microservices For Broadcasters - Part 2 May 18th 2021 - 09:00 AM

This is the second instalment of our extended article exploring the use of Microservices.

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The solution leverages the cloud-based software suite of automated tools that can be applied to audio files stored within Box.

Dolby Joins With Box For Audio Enhancement In The Cloud May 14th 2021 - 11:00 AM

Dolby Laboratories has partnered with Box, Inc.’s Content Cloud to provide audio production professionals with an automated signal processing platform that helps content creators deliver better content faster, right from their desktop, anywhere in the world.

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Microservices For Broadcasters - Part 1 May 11th 2021 - 09:00 AM

Computer systems are driving forward broadcast innovation and the introduction of microservices is having a major impact on the way we think about software. This not only delivers improved productivity through more efficient workflow solutions for broadcasters, but also helps vendors to work more effectively to further improve the broadcaster experience.

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Home makes it easy to set up cloud-hosted deployments, whether they are hosted locally, remotely, or even at a third-party data center.

Lawo Unveils New Home For Managing And Securing IP Infrastructures April 26th 2021 - 10:30 AM

While many professionals have come to understand how to configure IP-based infrastructures to handle the distribution of audio and video files, managing specific devices on the network has been extremely complex, at best. Recognizing this, Lawo has developed a new software management platform called Home that makes it easy to set up, manage and benefit from the flexibility, scalable nature and signal-agnostic design that comes with IP infrastructures.

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New additions to the Prism family of test instruments supports both local and remote production monitoring up to 8K HDR.

Telestream Emerges Stronger Through Acquisitions, Unveils New Technology April 20th 2021 - 10:30 AM

Coming off a whirlwind of three new acquisitions in the past six months, Telestream said it has carefully navigated the past year and emerged stronger than ever. The company actually increased profitability in a time of challenge for many others in the industry.

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