What once meant broadcasters sharing space inside a building now condenses the concept into a single chassis – with new challenges and opportunities.
Blackmagic Design has announced the all new Cintel Scanner G3 HDR+, which features a completely redesigned light source that allows real time HDR film scanning in Ultra HD.
TAG Video Systems has released a series of upgrades, enhancements and added support to its Realtime Media Monitoring Platform fortifying its position as the perfect monitoring solution for live production environments.
We conclude this two-part article examining how IP is an enabling technology that facilitates the use of data centers and cloud technology to power media workflows.
Designing and building a production control room means different things to different people and is often accomplished in a myriad of ways.
With the advent of camera-to-Cloud recording, will in-camera recording media be relegated to the dust bin of history alongside the Jaz Drive and the Sony Memory Stick? It could soon well be the case, but for it to happen, The Broadcast Bridge’s Tony Orme cites the need for a major change in mindset among industry professionals, a group understandably hesitant to abandon the tried-and true practices that have long paid the bills.
NEP Group, a leading media technology partner for content creators around the globe, is building on its 30-year relationship with Calrec with the acquisition of four IP ImPulse systems to further expand its AoIP and remote production capabilities.
TDF Group, a French operator and manager of telecommunications and broadcasting infrastructures, secure networks, and connectivity services, has deployed Riedel’s MediorNet MuoN technology in Paris.