Miyagi Television Broadcasting, a key broadcaster in the Tohoku area in Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture, has chosen Riedel’s products to create an unmatched communication ecosystem. Riedel’s Artist and Bolero systems provide the balance of functionality, performance, and cost required by the broadcasting giant, as well as ease of use and simple maintenance.
A Practical Guide To RF In Broadcast features a series of twelve articles and provides an extensive technical guide to RF technology within broadcast. It is a major work that will serve as a reference resource for professional broadcast engineers everywhere.
Ensuring consistency of lighting between the virtual world and physical objects on set requires controlling production lighting based on image content.
Riedel Communications has announced a new partnership with Croatia-based system integrator Kapetanović Systems to deliver top-tier solutions to the broadcast and AV/multimedia industry.
Matrox Video has announced the launch of the new Matrox Maevex 7100 Series of single-channel 4K60 AVC/HEVC encoders. These two new lower-cost members of the Maevex family of premium video products are ideal for low-latency, high-quality, low-bitrate encoding of single high-resolution HDMI sources for audio and video streaming, contribution, and collaboration.
Our series exploring the basic technology and tools of audio in broadcast continues with a collection of articles which discuss the essential technical challenges of routing, keeping everything synchronized and dealing with latency.
Shakespeare’s Globe, the world-renowned performing arts venue in London, has implemented Riedel’s Bolero intercom system to drive communications for its two theatres, the Globe and the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse. By enabling seamless roaming and unparalleled audio quality, the Bolero addresses the main challenges of communication within and across these live theater environments, adding a new level of efficiency, clarity, and collaboration for stage management, rehearsals, and show running.
BeckTV, a premier systems integrator for the broadcast media industry, and Ross Video, a global leader in live video production solutions, have joined forces once again to complete another significant project at M&T Bank Stadium, home of the NFL’s Baltimore Ravens. The two companies collaborated on upgrading the Ravens’ content management system (CMS) workflow, which sends graphic content to the venue’s LED scoreboards and vomitory displays.