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Blackmagic DaVinci Resolve 12.

Grading With DaVinci Resolve 11.3, Part 3 of a Series May 19th 2015 - 02:35 PM

Steve Mullen continues his multipart series on using Blackmagic’s DaVinci Resolve, version 11. In this article, Part 3, Mullen reviews how to set Resolve preferences, import compressed and uncompressed media and grading goals.

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Cray computers at the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts.

As Weather Gets More Extreme, Accurate Forecasting Gains Importance May 11th 2015 - 08:06 AM

TV meteorologists are used to having the best weather data and technology to develop their forecasts. However, more accurate data is now available from Europe, but it isn’t free like U.S. data.

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Blackmagic Cinema Camera.

Log and RAW Workflows for Digital Cinema Cameras April 29th 2015 - 08:02 AM

A growing trend for digital cine cameras is their ability to record in multiple formats. For example, Blackmagic’s new URSA and Mini URSA announced at NAB support several types of RAW formats plus compressed ProRes.

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Paul Terpstra worked the sidelines with his large parabolic mic. He discovered that sometimes, smaller is better.

When It Comes To Parabolic Mics, Larger Is Not Always Better April 15th 2015 - 08:00 AM

In 2011, the Fox network went on a search for a better parabolic microphone to use in its sports programming. When the company could not fine one, it asked an engineering contractor if he could design and build a better mic.

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While CES 2015 was full of 4K displays, delivery standards have yet to be defined.

Getting 4K Television to Home Audiences Is a Complex Task April 3rd 2015 - 08:02 AM

At NAB 2015, it is a given that many companies will dazzle attendees with stories of how 4K television is virtually here. For those susceptible to such celebratory hype, it might be good to think about the issue for a bit and be armed with some intelligent questions to ask manufacturers who are promoting it.

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A Calrec remote stage box

Wide-Area Networking & Remote Production March 31st 2015 - 10:43 AM

The use of wide-area audio networking makes possible the remote production of live TV events, where large geographical distances separate the production facilities and the events that are being televised. There is growing interest in this area from broadcasters, both in the potential for significant reductions in production costs as well as improvements in production quality. But there are difficulties to overcome if this is to become practical in a wide variety of circumstances.

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So Little Time, So Much To Learn March 24th 2015 - 10:27 AM

World-class learning opportunities abound in NAB exhibits and technical sessions.

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Wall-sized dashboard showing system flow and status to multiple operators.

Media workflow dashboards February 23rd 2015 - 11:30 AM

In any endeavor there are three types of decision making; operational, tactical and strategic. Dashboards are one effective method of presenting that information.

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