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Acoustic Treatment for Makeshift Studios January 11th 2017 - 01:50 PM

Today — for all but a few well endowed recordists — the new studio is in a home, office or makeshift location. The era of big, professionally-designed recording studios is mostly history. With this new reality comes the need to treat the acoustics of rooms never designed to be studios. It can be a challenge without facts on your side.

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Fox affiliate WDRB-TV recently added Autoscript E.P.I.C. LED teleprompters to its upgraded studio production facilities in Kentucky.

Choosing The Right Teleprompter Is Key To On-Air Success January 11th 2017 - 01:00 PM

Of all the behind-the-scenes technology used in studio and field productions, the teleprompter is perhaps the least obvious yet most important piece of gear to the success of a newscast or video production. That’s because maintaining direct eye contact with the audience is the most powerful and accurate way to deliver a news story. Not having a prompter can block the effective delivery of a message.

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Quiles and Cloud using one AEA R88 Blumlein microphone

Alan Blumlein Had a Profound Affect on Modern Stereo Recording January 11th 2017 - 10:00 AM

On Febuary 12, when Alan Blumlein receives the Grammy’s Technical Award, few in the audience will grasp the profound implications of his life and work. But Blumlein, a visionary engineer whose greatest work happened in the 1930s, changed and still affects modern stereo recording to this day.

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The Difference Between Large and Small Diaphragm Microphones January 9th 2017 - 10:00 AM

When purchasing a new studio condenser microphone, buyers are immediately faced with the choice of small and large diaphragm types. What are the sonic differences, and which type is best for a certain application?

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How to Properly Set-up a Microphone Preamplifier January 6th 2017 - 01:50 PM

Setting-up a microphone preamp may seem like a friviolous subject. But microphones have an extraordinary dynamic range and the configuration to match the pre-amp to the mic can be an important factor in getting good levels for recording or live sound. Here’s a guide to the correct set-up considerations.

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Dynamic templates could allow graphics to be accurate and appropriate for a variety of screens.

Automating Titling and Graphics Creation for Multiplatform Distribution January 4th 2017 - 10:00 AM

Aesthetically pleasing 3D titles and graphics are integral to providing the wow factor that keeps today’s broadcast viewers glued to the screen. These visual elements—including 3D and 2D titles, animated graphics and real-time data-driven overlays—provide the vital contextual information that enables viewers to fully appreciate and understand the events they are watching.

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Understanding IP Networks - Forward Error Correction January 3rd 2017 - 12:05 PM

In the last article, we looked at the monitoring packet delay in real-time. In this article, we continue the theme of looking at a network from a broadcast engineers’ point of view so they can better communicate with the IT department, and look at FEC (Forward Error Correction).

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How to Decide Between a Wired and Wireless Microphone December 29th 2016 - 01:50 PM

The difference between using a wired and wireless microphone for a specific job is no longer about sound quality. It’s about a group of other factors, many of which users should consider before making the choice.

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