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Sennheiser AMBEO Microphone.

Immersive Audio Can Dramatically Enhance Average Video Images February 28th 2017 - 01:50 PM

It has long been an open secret in video production: great sound is far more important than the quality of the images. Surround, or even stereo audio, can dramatically improve an average quality picture on virtually any kind of programming — from news and documentary to feature films.

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How to De-Ess Voices When Recording February 23rd 2017 - 10:00 AM

Whenever doing a professional voice recording, de-essing — the reduction of excessive sibilant consonants — is often a persistent issue. There are many techniques to get rid of this offensive sound from recordings of the human voice.

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NRG Stadium in Houston, TX was the site of Super Bowl 51.

IP Provides Communications Backbone For Super Bowl LI February 20th 2017 - 01:50 PM

New IT-based technologies have been adopted more readily and sooner in some parts of the broadcast production chain than others. Super Bowl LI illustrated that with the intercom and general communications operation taking place almost completely in the IP domain, using a combination of Dante running over RTS’ OMNEO platform, while audio distribution and networking continued to rely on older formats such as MADI.

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How to Record the Audio of a Moving Subject February 20th 2017 - 10:00 AM

Often called “walk-and-talk” recording, videographers are often confronted with recording the audio of subjects in their workplace or during an interview with two or more people walking in full motion. Here’s how to insure excellent audio.

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Cloud Broadcasting - Public and Private Clouds February 15th 2017 - 01:00 PM

In the previous Cloud Broadcasting article, we looked at Agile software development and its relevance to cloud computing. In this article, we delve further into Cloud-Born systems and investigate the differences between public and private clouds and where you might want to use them.

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Maintaining Realistic Maximum Sound Pressure Levels with Dynamic Microphones February 15th 2017 - 11:00 AM

When recording live audio with a dynamic microphone, a good recordist may want to know what is the maximum sound pressure level that mic can handle without distorting. As with many such seemingly basic questions in audio, the answer is not so simple.

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The Halycyon, an ITV series produced by Left Bank Pictures.

Recreating 1940s Style for The Halcyon February 13th 2017 - 03:00 PM

ITV’s prime time drama from Leftbank Pictures relied heavily on visual effects to create a stylised 1940s look, The eight-part production is set in a glamorous five-star London hotel during World War II and stars two of the UK’s most acclaimed actors, Steven Mackintosh and Olivia Williams. The drama shows London life through the prism of war and the impact it has on families, politics, relatonships and work across every social strata with a soundtrack of music from the era.

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Figure 1: Oculus Rift—with headphones.

CES 2017:  The ‘VR’ Reality February 13th 2017 - 01:00 PM

CES 2017 has come and gone with most press reporting Virtual Reality landed with a virtual thud. My view of CES is different because I see two very different types of VR.

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