With each new technology transition—from SD to HD to 4K— remote production truck companies in the U.S. have been at the forefront, providing clients with the latest production tools to expand their production capabilities and make live sports and entertainment telecasts the best they can be.
So you’re hanging out the shingle as a sound operator for video documentaries. You’ve spent some time on crews learning the craft and perhaps even studied audio production at a film school. You feel you are now ready to take the dive and become a sound operator for hire.
The dome tweeter is common in Hi-Fi speakers because it looks as though it ought to work. Here John Watkinson explains that appearances can be deceptive.
Since the earliest days of television, sound has played second fiddle to video. Only at the highest level of television production has audio been treated with great care. With local production, viewers are still lucky to get basic stereo audio.
Proximity effect is an acoustic phenomenon that allows recordists to get an increase in low-frequency response by moving the sound closer to a microphone. It can be a powerful creative tool for naturally enhancing bass when used properly, and a negative when used the wrong way.
When laboring in pro audio day after day, we often forget that some very low-cost enhancements can make life much easier and enhance the workflow. Here’s a few small add-ons that I have discovered that create a more efficient and productive audio workspace.
The AES67 standard is sometimes misunderstood as the specifications on how all professional digital audio gear is supposed to work and interconnect. Not exactly. In fact, AES67 simply defines the requirements for high-performance AoIP (Audio-over-IP) interoperability. A manufacturer can implement AES67 anyway it wants, and there’s the rub.
Does your test bench need a refresh? IBC 2017 is the best place to see the latest in new video, audio, RF and broadcast test and measurement technology.