High Dynamic Range (HDR) has been getting a lot of attention lately. Dynamic range is the ratio between blackest black and the brightest white that can be seen on a display. High Dynamic Range is the next major step in improving television pictures.
With 4K UHD only just turning the corner and with much of the world still in SD is 8K a distraction from the rollout progress of 4K or just natural technological progress? The Broadcast Bridge takes stock of the current fuss around 8K which, like it or not, will be a major talking point at IBC2019.
Virtual set (VS) technology has been used by broadcasters for decades to create new types of sets, complete with 3D effects and (more recently) augmented reality graphics that can be changed for different styled programs and to help the on-air presenter tell their stories better.
Whenever I’m asked about my opinion on the transition to IP, I always state that the impact can’t be appreciated until its history is understood. This brings into context the need for broadcasters to educate and surround themselves with those who have in depth knowledge and understanding of the subject.
Immersive audio transforms the listening environment to deliver a mesmerizing and captivating experience for a wide range of audiences and expansive group of genres.
The human visual system (HVS) sees color using a set of three overlapping filters, which are extremely broad. As a result, the HVS is completely incapable of performing any precise assessment of an observed spectrum.
In the lingo of microphones, we often use imprecise words to describe sound. The audio from ribbon microphones is frequently called “dark.” Condenser microphones may be called “bright.” But what do these subjective terms mean?
In this era of personal video and sound recording, it might sound ridiculous to say that many people don’t know how to properly use a microphone. But it’s true. Whether spoken word or a vocalist singing, learning some basic microphone techniques can significantly improve results.