Latency is the millisecond delay between the time an audio signal enters an electronic system and when it emerges. Though a simple concept to understand, latency can play havoc in a range of audio applications, including well-known issues in live broadcasting.
One of the key issues is making sure you are ready for the job. The old Boy Scout motto — Be Prepared — is essential. This means learn in advance where the recording will occur and determine if there are any unique issues at the venue. Then take the right equipment to the location site. It might sound elementary, but many a recording has been tripped up due to not bringing all the necessary gear.
Professional audio production has turned into an endlessly complex place where what was valid in the past is no longer true today. Powerful tools abound to fix anything in audio, but having a light touch is essential to truly good sound.
Hackers are always improving the level of sophistication and constantly finding new surface areas to attack – resulting in the surging volume and frequency of cyberattacks.
Now the inaugural hype around Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has subsided, deployments are ramping up, setting the stage for rapid growth over the next few years.
Microphone preamps are very simple. The basic function is to boost the low level signal from a microphone to a more robust line level. The signal can then be used for broadcasting, editing, recording or sound reinforcement.
Bob Dylan was riding a crest of social change when he wrote those lyrics in 1963. But the words popped back into my mind as I thought about several recent conversations with friends who complain of their struggle to stay afloat in today’s video production business.
The rg color space served to document the chromaticity gamut of the HVS, and so was a great step forward in understanding color and color vision. However, it was based on a certain set of primaries. As no set of primaries can embrace the whole of the HVS gamut, it is inevitable that the color matching functions have negative excursions. The CIE set out to remedy that by taking the color matching experimental data and representing it in a different way. The color space they developed is a cube having three orthogonal axes, X, Y and Z. The white point was defined as the equal energy point, otherwise known as Illuminant E (for equal).