In the early 1980s, when Charles Kuralt hosted CBS Sunday Morning, my video crew often shot the “Moment in Nature” segments for the end of the show. We would be on the road, sometimes in war-torn countries, always looking for the pristine natural spots that are still popular on the show today. A major component that has always made these segments so compelling is the authentic natural sound.
The NAB show has been cancelled. This announcement was made by NAB president, Gordon H. Smith.
SDI has been and continues to be a mature and stable standard for the distribution of video, audio and metadata in broadcast facilities. From its inception in the 1989 to the modern quad-link 12G-SDI available today, it has stood the test of time and even with the advent of IP and Ethernet, it shows no sign of waning.
Voiceovers are among the hardest elements of the recording process for engineers to master. A major part of the problem is each voice is different and the narrator often brings a varying skill set to the recording session. There are no hard rules about how to get good results, but these tips can help with most voiceover recordings.
Following the myriad of transitions in media production and distribution, is a combination of new technologies that create media and ones that support the consumption of media. Since the creation of media is mostly intended for the audience, the technologies needed to create the media are pretty important even while the consumer has no idea what it takes.
Within broadcast there has always been a quest for higher and higher resolution with improvements in wider color fidelity. The quest has always been to deliver what we see to the audience, often this is limited by technology or cost of production, but today there is the possibility to increase the resolution to 4K/UHD with High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG) that can convey that window on the world to the consumer.
So many buzzwords & acronyms and so little time! I thought this was a better title than Understanding the Differences Part 2.
While I am not one to wax nostalgic, the last decade was a pretty exciting one in media technology. HD-SDI came into its own in the early aught (00) years, mobile and wireless media, OTT and streaming all became mainstream. IP and file based media production was introduced and standardized (SMPTE ST2110) however, let’s not forget 3G, 12G, 4K, 8K, UHD and HDR. Whew! Plus VR & AR, eSports and 3D (oops) and the world got cloudy.