Sitting at home watching the Olympics 400m Women’s hurdles final live on NBC’s 4K HDR channel, home audiences were captivated by the sweat and effort displayed on screen with immersive sound of the runners’ feet hitting the track. Viewers thousands of miles away could be excused for thinking they had the best seat in the Japan National Stadium. The live 4K HDR broadcast of NBC’s primetime show throughout the Games were an extrasensory experience unlike any previous Olympics telecasts.
Disguise’s most recent r19 release is integrated with Unreal Engine 4.27 allowing to make real-time content changes directly from disguise’s software interface Designer.
Esports is demonstrating how agile mindsets can provide flexible and scalable solutions within relatively short timescales. But as more software solutions become viable, esports is taking advantage of the cloud and its offerings.
KRK has enhanced its tried-and-trusted studio-quality headphone offerings with the new KNS 6402 and KNS 8402.
Protecting high value media content is a major priority for any broadcaster working with OTT and VOD. In the previous article in this series we looked at the three challenges facing broadcasters and in this article we dig deeper into the remedies and methods for keeping content safe.
Coach Paint 9 leverages AI and XML data to drive increased efficiency, and a broader feature set.
New, in-cloud, pay-per-use business models offer new advantages to occasional REMI, field reporting, remote event production and similar content producers and distributors with a better business model to remain competitive and profitable without huge ongoing capital investments.
Still photo lenses find their way into film and TV work via many different routes and for many different reasons. It’s happened so much that the prices on some popular options have risen precipitously in recent years. Are there still good deals to be had?