Leader Instruments will demonstrate Leader and PHABRIX products during the April 2023 NAB Show in a combined product display centered on their respective strengths based on applications.
The technology underpinning the Metaverse is providing opportunities for broadcasters today. As the Metaverse develops, broadcasters will be able to gain massively from the enhanced immersive experience it promises to offer.
Mobile World Congress (MWC) has become an increasingly relevant show for broadcasters and video service providers as more and more viewing takes place on smart phones, tablets and laptops, and as 5G networks becomes capable of delivering HD and even Ultra HD quality. This was truer than ever at the recent MWC 2023 in Barcelona, which was almost back to pre-pandemic levels of attendance, 88,000 against the record 109,000 in 2019.
Modern software development is highly reliant on cross functional software teams. Maintaining a common operating system with dependencies that meet the needs of every developer is almost impossible, but containers go a great way to solve these challenges.
The future of IP media transport, routing, audio and power management will be on show at NAB 2023.
Cobalt Digital will show its tried and trusted 9992 ENC/DEC family enhanced with RIST Adaptive Encoding, its SafeLink Gateway as a cloud solution with redundancy features, and its new Sapphire converter series with functionality that supports ST 2110 JPEG-XS to SDI and HDMI conversion.
There are many philosophies out there about who and when to trust. When it comes to securing high value assets, you really can’t be too careful.
Machine learning and some other AI techniques are increasingly being applied for many aspects of media content compliance and moderation, ranging from technical compliance for parameters such as loudness, to vetting for hate speech.