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Mega Metadata Experiment May Affect the Future of Hollywood Production June 22nd 2016 - 01:00 PM

Since the dawn of digital production, many links in the workflow chain have produced their own metadata. Now the “Production in the Cloud” project is making all that metadata useful.

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Fiber optics have become an essential part of the infrastructure for remote productions, replacing coppper cabling as the preferred intercon

Essential Guide to Fiber Optics in Live Production June 21st 2016 - 11:00 AM

There was a time when the use of fiber optic cable struck fear in hearts of live production crews because it was difficult to work with and there was a certain black magic associated with distributing optical signals that had to be done right in order for multiple paths of video and audio to cleanly pass through tiny strands of glass. Today, the technology has advanced to include military-grade tactical cable and fiber/copper hybrid cabling that is much more robust to work with. Along with better equipment, there is a better understanding across the industry of how to deploy fiber cable and hardware with the least amount of effort and on-site field problems.

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System Integrators—What Value Do They Bring To A Project? June 20th 2016 - 12:05 PM

Historically, the value System Integrators (SI) brought to a project centered on providing specialist broadcast, video and audio expertise and knowledge. But as more installations become a mixture of servers, databases and web browsers, today’s system integrator must adapt to support the new demands of IT-centric hybrid broadcast systems.

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Coming at you in 16 x HD. Credit: Comite International Olympique (CIO) Kishimoto

​Olympic Broadcasting: 4K is a ‘Bus Stop’ in Route to 8K June 14th 2016 - 12:05 PM

Olympic Broadcast Services (OBS), host broadcaster of the Rio Olympics has called 4K a “bus stop” in route to 8K.

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Verimatrix believes that a global multi-operator view provides deeper insights that benefit its customers individually and collectively.

Early Issue Detection Through Intelligent Global Monitoring is Key to Greater Security and Service June 13th 2016 - 06:00 PM

It is well known that security breaches cause much less revenue loss or reputational damage if they are caught early. They are simply cheaper to fix at that stage.

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Huge data, Huge Challenge, Small Pool Of Engineers June 8th 2016 - 08:00 AM

The fundamental premise of technology is that it gives us leverage. A tool gives us more power, more effectiveness, more precision, more time. But there are few tools or technologies that do this for us without some effort on our part. Just buying a lathe doesn’t make the person a good woodworker. Buying an aeroplane doesn’t make you a pilot.

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Video Transport: SDI vs IP—Timing Is Everything June 7th 2016 - 09:00 AM

Moving video around a broadcast or media facility is a key requirement and fundamental to the operation. When media is transported the signal is open to induced errors, typically through noise, distortion and interference. The time frame of the error may vary between a few pico-seconds and many seconds. It may be predictable in its frequency, or completely random.

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The Hollywood section of SMPTE is convinced that Virtual Reality is already a reality.

SMPTE Hollywood Discusses Virtual Reality June 6th 2016 - 06:00 PM

When a potential new entertainment medium like Virtual Reality bursts onto the Hollywood scene, SMPTE tries to help us understand its implications.

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