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Multiple computers can be accessed at the same time using KVM

Essential Guide: KVM for Broadcasting December 9th 2016 - 01:00 PM

Copyright infringement is a big problem for broadcasters transmitting Hollywood block buster films. Compromising film revenues, unscrupulous staff can easily copy films to USB disc drives and distribute them illegally on BitTorents and other public distribution systems.

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Vista Studios relies on a core SAM Sirius 850 multi-format router and IQ Modular intelligent infrastructure.

Re-Imagining Routing Switchers December 9th 2016 - 10:00 AM

As the mission of television stations evolves, the underlying technology of routing video, audio, data, sync, time of day, tally and metadata through broadcast plants must also evolve. But does that mean you need an all IP infrastructure? Maybe not.

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IP networks require different troubleshooting tools.

Understanding and Preventing Network Problems December 8th 2016 - 01:50 PM

How does one prevent network problems? The first thing is to understand what’s going on in the network. That may sound obvious – but, in fact, for anyone coming from the world of SDI, it presents more of a challenge than might be expected. The fact is that IP is a very different kind of animal.

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The EMC Teleport in Erdfunkstelle Raisting, Germany is one of the three largest teleports in the world, comprising 26 antenna. Image: EMC

The Evolution of Video Distribution December 7th 2016 - 10:00 AM

Denying that the video and content distribution industry is evolving at an astounding pace, is like trying to convince someone that the earth is flat. While this evolution is creating significant distribution challenges for content owners and distributors, it is also providing some exciting opportunities for those who embrace it. We recently hosted a roundtable discussion with industry leaders to explore just how evolving video consumption impacts distribution, and what is going to happen over the coming years and decades.

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With simplified workflows and production setups that can be stored and loaded across the vehicles, NEP can now enjoy networked reliability.

NEP To Cover German Ice Hockey League With New Compact OB Vans Built By Broadcast Solutions December 7th 2016 - 09:00 AM

Germany-based System integrator Broadcast Solutions GmbH has delivered four new 26-foot long Streamline S8 OB vehicles to NEP Germany for its production of German ice hockey league games.

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The DVB Steering Board has approved initial specifications for the Commercial Requirements for Adaptive Bit Rate Multicasting over IP.

DVB Approves Next Step For Standardization of Adaptive Bit Rate Streaming For Live Applications December 6th 2016 - 10:00 AM

At its most recent meeting, The DVB Steering Board approved initial specifications for the Commercial Requirements for ABR (Adaptive Bit Rate) Multicast. It also approved the latest specification for Ultra High Definition Television, called UHD-1 Phase 2.

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VRT used the LiveIP project facilities to air a live multi-camera debate in March 2016.

European Broadcasters Play In The Sandbox To Further IP Adoption December 6th 2016 - 08:00 AM

For the past two and a half years Belgian broadcaster VRT—in partnership with the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), and iMinds (a digital research and incubation center)— has hosted an in-house R&D testing lab called VRT Sandbox. The project allows broadcast engineers and product vendors to test new IP-centric ideas and workflows.

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Equipment inside the Production Gallery area on board Arena TV’s OBX is controlled with a Lawo VSM system.

Arena TV Strengthens IP-enabled 4K OB Van With VSM Control System December 1st 2016 - 12:05 PM

Arena TV, a UK-based broadcast production company, has upgraded its entire fleet of OB vans with Lawo’s VSM control system. The VSM system creates a familiar workflow for users, and is the only control system on the market that is able to work in a fully IP-based environment as well as with other third-party equipment.

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