Will Internet Protocol replace the TV Empire’s Evil Serial Digital Interface? Will you have to refer to your new router as the Death Star? Watch this episode to learn more.
What if a video production could be tailored to each viewer, based on transmitted audio and video essence and data stored in the viewer’s browser? Suppose the browser could receive the content and based on the viewer’s personal data, create an individualized version of the program based on that data?
Moving OTT and IPTV operations onto IP-centric solutions and platforms is both complex and fraught with the chance of error. Survival requires that facility managers and engineers at broadcasters learn to swim in the IP pool. Don’t be afraid to seek help.
If you read Devoncroft Industry reports you will notice that what is trending is rarely what people spend money on. Ever wondered why? In this latest Bruce’s Short, Bruce Devlin looks at why MAM doesn’t have a buzz like UHD, but forms an essential part of a modern media business.
In the previous articles, we investigated IP from a broadcast engineers point of view as it helps us understand IP. In this article, we start to look at audio integration, and how we make IP work with audio signals, and the challenges we need to overcome.
Some engineers can maintain their current SDI systems armed with little more than a foggy memory of how things are interconnected. But with IP networks, such a philosophy guarantees panic if something fails. When it comes to properly documenting an IP network, ignore this task at your peril.
The importance of data for the media and entertainment industry was front and center at this year’s NAB conference in Las Vegas. The theme even sparked a news article headline, “Content is King but Data is Heir to the Throne.”
The HPA Retreat took place in February in Palm Springs, CA. Part 1 of this two-part series can be found in the link at the end of this article.