Is the TV industry due for the next big thing?
Complexity can be a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it helps us accomplish great things. On the other hand, required workflows can be complex and prone to error. The challenges facing broadcasters have always been in balancing more complexity in delivering creative product against the staffing and infrastructure needed to get the job done. Just because technology can do something great does not always mean it can do so easily.
The new SOMAP (Satellite Operator’s Minimum Antenna Performance) specification is now close to gaining widespread acceptance by the global satellite industry following its endorsement by the Space Data Association (SDA).
Years ago, the consultant gurus of Digital Asset Management said the ultimate value of metadata in asset management systems would be to improve efficiencies and content re-use. That time has come. Today, metadata driven workflows and orchestration are fundamental to a production or broadcast facility’s success.
The broadcast and content production landscape has never been more competitive. Because viewers now have many viewing options, content delivering systems must be smarter. Data analytics driven decision-making can help any media company maximize both efficiency and revenues.
Euromedia, a remote production company that has worked on numerous high-profile telecasts throughout Europe, has seen a significant interest among its clients for 4K production and has upgraded two of its larger OB’s with the latest video production switcher from Grass Valley.
The arcane world of metadata has been enlivened by automation with the promise of efficiency savings in asset management and much richer labelling of content to enhance discovery. At the same time, there are hopes at last of the field being unified behind common standards, which is essential as video services become increasingly global through online distribution with wider access to premium content.
Trying to troubleshoot an IP network without proper documentation is like trying to find your way around a strange city that has few street signs. Here are some tips to ensure valuable airtime is not lost because of inadequate records.