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The World Teleport Association operates an objective certification program for satellite and telecom operators.

Inside a Tier 4 Teleport October 19th 2018 - 12:05 PM

In 2014 the World Teleport Association (WTA) began certifying the facilities and operating procedures of teleports. Certification provides an objective and transparent way for teleport operators to validate the quality of their operations, and for customers to choose vendors that offer the right price-performance level for their needs.

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Demosaic in the camera or in post? That

Why RAW? What’s the Deal? October 18th 2018 - 04:00 PM

The announcement by Blackmagic of their new RAW camera file format reminds us that there is choice to record RAW versus regular video with digital cinematography cameras. What is RAW, what are the pros and cons, and why should cinematographers capture RAW files rather than conventional video? At a first pass, a RAW image file consists of the data from the image sensor with some basic processing, but cannot be viewed as a regular red, green and blue (RGB) video file.

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A cloud-based media management solution can be less expensive and easier to implement than one might think.

5 Things Media Producers Wrongly Assume About Moving Media Management to the Cloud October 18th 2018 - 01:00 PM

There are many misconceptions about what “the cloud” actually means and it would be a shame for anyone to miss the benefits of managing media in the cloud because of this. Let’s look at the five most common misunderstandings about using the cloud for media management.

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While 4K UHD and HDR are primed for launch, broadcasters face multiple decisions before the formats can become a success.

Viewpoint: Navigating the Challenge of UHD Delivery October 17th 2018 - 01:00 PM

The industry has long considered Ultra High Definition (UHD) with High Dynamic Range (HDR) to be the ‘wow factor’ behind the next-generation TV viewing experience. Unfortunately, there are too many different HDR formats being touted, causing industry confusion about how to proceed, which in turn has delayed deployments.

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Esports Gives Broadcaster an Opportunity to Attract Millennials October 17th 2018 - 09:00 AM

Back in 1972 — when the arcade video game, Pong, came on the scene — electronic gaming was born. Now millennials are drawn to eSports and NAB NY 2018 will show broadcasters ways to help capture that audience.

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A technology partner must have the required experience and technology along with a range of trusted, proven and flexible solutions.

Viewpoint: Keys to Picking a Technology Partner October 16th 2018 - 01:00 PM

Competition in the global video and media market is increasing with many more points of creation and distribution of content being made available. Combined with an exploding catalog of programming and new devices to support, broadcasters can no longer succeed with a one-to-many delivery solution. Successfully meeting these challenges requires a trustworthy technology partner.

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You can now access powerful editing features via the cloud from almost any portable digital device.

Trends in Mobile Editing-Part 1 October 12th 2018 - 10:00 AM

The options for sophisticated post production editing are becoming ever more varied. Now, you can even carry them with you in your pocket.

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Essential Guide: Live IP Delivery October 11th 2018 - 01:00 PM

Broadcasting used to be simple. It required one TV station sending one signal to multiple viewers. Everyone received the same imagery at the same time. That was easy.

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