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New NVME and object storage platforms can support the needs of big data and fast data media applications.

Storing & Optimizing M&E Content in a Big Data-Fast Data World November 21st 2018 - 01:50 PM

The storage requirements for digital media never stop growing. Image size and resolution increases. Metadata is added to every frame. Finally, the data must live forever. All these factors and others combine to place serious demands on a production or broadcast facility’s storage infrastructure. Fortunately there is a solution.

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A Guide to Large File Transfer Software November 15th 2018 - 10:00 AM

From production to newsgathering and on to international distribution, the media industry relies more on the ability to quickly and easily transfer large files over long distances. Original methods for doing this, like FTP, are unsuited for today’s large file sizes and complex workflows - what is needed is an efficient and secure way to transfer large files in a timely manner. This White Paper from Signiant is a guide to the selection of large file transfer software.

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Camplex fiber optic cable.

The Difference Between Multimode and Single-Mode Fiber Optic Cables November 15th 2018 - 09:00 AM

Fiber optics is a communications medium that sends optical signals down hair-thin strands of pure glass cores. The light “pipe” is surrounded by cladding that traps the light in the core. The key difference between multimode and single mode fiber optic cable is the size of the core.

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Essential Guide:  IP - The Final Frontier November 8th 2018 - 01:00 PM

Today’s broadcast engineers face a unique challenge, one that is likely unfamiliar to these professionals. The challenge is to design, build and operate IP-centric solutions for video and audio content.

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Media Links “Media over IP” technology helped transport UHD and 3G content for this year’s World Cup tournament.

Proficiency In Both SDI And IP Technologies Is Critical To Today’s Media Business Success November 8th 2018 - 11:00 AM

Since the company’s founding in 1993, Media Links, based in Kanagawa, Japan, has delivered carrier-class contribution media transport solutions that adhere to recognized broadcast television standards and expectations. These solutions utilize Ethernet/IP packet transport and switching and have been deployed in many of the world’s most high profile sporting and live television events.

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The rythm of SMPTE timecode has been the cadence of our video production lives.

The Need for a Replacement Timecode Standard November 6th 2018 - 11:00 AM

The SMPTE timecode standard has served us well for almost half a century. But the equipment it was designed for is history, and soon it will be too. The industry needs a replacement.

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An overhead automated camera tracks the field action based on deep-learning algorithms.

How “Deep Learning” Technology is Revolutionizing Sports Production November 2nd 2018 - 01:00 PM

Deep learning technology is more common than one might think. This technology is used to identify objects in images, texts or audio, achieving results that were not possible before. This article will examine how deep learning is revolutionizing sports production to enable low-cost, fully automated production for semi-professional and amateur sports broadcasts.

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Object storage may be new technology to many, but it comes fully mature and ready for M&E storage.

An Exploration of Object Storage for Media-Centric Workflows November 2nd 2018 - 10:00 AM

Object storage offers a new paradigm. As a data storage system, it is something that can be installed on site, but it is also the basis for most of the storage available on the public cloud. However, its use as a valuable technology in M&E — both for active workflow storage and long-term asset preservation — is less understood. This tutorial will explain why it is so useful, how it works, the problems it solves, and how it differs from other approaches.

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