Immersive audio transforms the listening environment to deliver a mesmerizing and captivating experience for a wide range of audiences and expansive group of genres.
The human visual system (HVS) sees color using a set of three overlapping filters, which are extremely broad. As a result, the HVS is completely incapable of performing any precise assessment of an observed spectrum.
Streaming wars are associated in the public mind with the intensifying battle for supremacy between Netflix, Amazon, Disney, Apple and a few others in the SVoD (Subscription VoD) field, but it also applies to the contention heating up between underlying protocols for low latency transmission of video over the Internet.
The hard disk drive rapidly converged on the concept of one head per surface with all of the heads moving together on a common positioner.
At one time the only repeatable source of light on Earth was the sun. Later it was found that if bodies were made hot enough, they would radiate light. Any treatment of illumination has to start with the radiation from heated bodies.
Artificial Intelligence is more than just one element. In this article, we look at and describe the many parts AI encompasses.
Internet packets can be occasionally dropped, primarily due to instantaneous congestion in routers. Dropped packets need to be recovered for glitch-free video. Given enough time, any losses can be recovered, but contribution applications are typically latency-sensitive and can not ‘wait forever’.
As broadcasters accelerate IP migration, we must move from a position of theory to that of practical application. Hybrid solutions to integrate SDI, AES, MADI, and IP will be needed for many years to come, even with green field sites, as broadcasters seek a steady and methodical transition.