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Essential Guide:  Hybrid CDN April 1st 2020 - 12:05 PM

OTT delivery continues to expand to meet the relentless growing consumer demand. This trend shows no chance of abating and technologists are continually looking to innovation to scale infrastructures accordingly. But what does it mean to scale OTT? Where is the infrastructure? And who owns it?

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The NAB Show has always been the platform for observing the future on exhibit today.

The NAB That Wasn’t March 30th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Due to the medical emergency the country now finds itself in, this year’s NAB Show in Las Vegas was postponed to later this year. If it had happened, the main themes of artificial intelligence (AI), high dynamic range (HDR) acquisition and remote production would have all been front and center, but several other technologies that bring new efficiencies in studio production and content distribution would’ve also been spotlighted.

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The Serial digital interface (SDI) was first standardized by SMPTE in 1989 for SD resolutions and now includes support for 12G (and higher).

Despite Rise Of IP, SDI Is Alive And Well March 27th 2020 - 09:00 AM

With the emergence of Internet Protocol (IP) topologies onto the production and distribution scene over the past few years, many have predicted the looming demise of traditional serial digital interface (SDI) infrastructures, saying they are too limited and regressive to satisfy today’s IT-centric operational requirements.

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Color and Colorimetry – Part 10 March 26th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Since its adoption for NTSC, essentially every subsequent electronic distribution means for color images has relied on color differences, making it a topic of some importance.

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Making Remote Mainstream:  Part 1 - Understanding The Benefits March 25th 2020 - 12:05 PM

Recent international events have overtaken normality causing us to take an even closer look at how we make television. Physical isolation is greatly accelerating our interest in Remote Production, REMI and At-Home working, and this is more important now than it ever has been.

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Audio Levels - Part 1 March 23rd 2020 - 01:00 PM

Superficially, level seems to be a simple subject: just a reading on a meter. In practice, there’s a lot more to it. Level matters because if it is wrong, sound quality can suffer, things can get damaged or cause interference and listeners complain because they have to keep adjusting the volume.

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TV ratings and results depend on a fickle audience one twitch away from virtually walking out.

The V In TV Stands For Viewers March 23rd 2020 - 09:00 AM

What’s the difference between a video and TV? A video without an audience is still a video. TV without an audience is a disaster.

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NAB 2020 Will Not Be Rescheduled; NAB Express To Begin Online in April March 20th 2020 - 06:00 PM

NAB 2020 will not be rescheduled this year, the NAB has announced. Instead, the organization will begin NAB Express in April, an online initiative, and will enhance the NAB Show New York at the end of the year with additional programs and expanded participation.

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