Recent international events have overtaken normality causing us to take an even closer look at how we make television. Physical isolation is greatly accelerating our interest in Remote Production, REMI and At-Home working, and this is more important now than it ever has been.
Superficially, level seems to be a simple subject: just a reading on a meter. In practice, there’s a lot more to it. Level matters because if it is wrong, sound quality can suffer, things can get damaged or cause interference and listeners complain because they have to keep adjusting the volume.
What’s the difference between a video and TV? A video without an audience is still a video. TV without an audience is a disaster.
NAB 2020 will not be rescheduled this year, the NAB has announced. Instead, the organization will begin NAB Express in April, an online initiative, and will enhance the NAB Show New York at the end of the year with additional programs and expanded participation.
MIT researchers have developed RFocus “smart surface” antenna technology that can work as both a mirror and a lens to increase the strength of WiFi signals or 5G cellular networks by ten times.
Computer marketing departments typically do not promote all company products. Rather they focus on high margin products.
There’s usually a bit of confusion when people talk about going to the cloud vs. virtualizing. While most cloud providers use virtual machine configurations to optimize their offerings, that’s not the same thing.
The NAB show has been cancelled. This announcement was made by NAB president, Gordon H. Smith.