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Flying on instruments was more fun in 1980 than it will be in 2021. Courtesy Paramount Pictures.

Flying On Instruments Into 2021 January 6th 2021 - 09:00 AM

As TV broadcasters struggle to stay on air during the pandemic, the FCC has released the map to the future NextGen TV Broadcast Internet world.

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Participating companies included AJA, Avid, Evertz, Grass Valley, Imagine Communications, JVC, LTN, NetInsight, Sony and Telestream.

Outcomes From SRT InterOp Plugfest January 5th 2021 - 10:00 AM

The SRT Alliance, a community of over 450 solution providers supporting the SRT Open Source project, announced the completion of the SRT InterOp Fall 2020 Plugfest.

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The computer industry has shown the way to a more efficient video production future.

IT-Centric Technologies Will Continue To Alter Traditional Video Production January 5th 2021 - 09:00 AM

After a year like 2020, predicting the future is scary business. However there are several leading-edge technologies—many borrowed from the IT and consumer-facing industries—that certainly look to make a significant impact on video production and broadcasting in 2021. Here are some, in no particular order, that will see continued implementation and streamline production and distribution workflows. To date we’ve seen these new tools begin to alter the way video production and distribution is done, helping the industry move forward and media businesses grow, and that’s certain to continue in new and exciting ways.

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Remote distributed workflows from any continent.

Tech + Media Predictions 2021 - Part 1 January 4th 2021 - 09:00 AM

The industry experienced futureshock head-on in 2020. The impact will take a long time to unwind but it’s already clear that some changes will be profound and not all of them bad. These changes include remote workflow permanency, virtual production shifts from exotic to routine and genuine efforts to save the planet. Here’s hoping.

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The Year That Changed TV December 29th 2020 - 09:00 AM

This time last year, had anyone predicted or suggested what is now normal in live TV news, sports and entertainment, such as fake fans, laugh track-style crowd noise and regular live news reporting and interviews from reporter’s homes, they would have been laughed out of the industry. Who would have thunk?

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Creative Analysis: Part 14 - Cinematographer Sebastian Thaler On 7500 December 28th 2020 - 09:00 AM

According to International Civil Aviation Organization rules, if an airliner transmits a certain four-digit transponder code, the world should assume that it is being hijacked. The 2019 film 7500, directed by Patrick Vollrath, takes that code as its title and stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Aylin Tezel and Carlo Kitzlinger as the crew of an airliner during a hijack attempt.

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IP extenders use KVM-over-IP technology to transmit signals, allowing operators to access connected computers on Gigabit Ethernet networks.

KVM-Over-IP Comes Of Age December 24th 2020 - 09:00 AM

With many production personnel working from home these days, gaining access to computers and systems back at the studio can be tricky, both logistically and due to obtaining the right security authorization. In many cases, a network- or software-based solution is not adequate because the available bandwidth might run out, the VPN connection does not always guarantee sufficient transmission quality, or the connection is not reliable or secure enough.

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Remotely controlled operations helped broadcasters resume live sports coverage despite strict safety measures.

2020 In Review: Industry Bruised But Not Beaten December 23rd 2020 - 09:00 AM

There’s no way to sugarcoat it: The pandemic has had a highly disruptive effect on video production and distribution in 2020 and many agree it will be felt for several years. The inability for people to gather safely has made it impossible for full-scale video production to go ahead as it did before. Yet, the industry has risen to the challenge in a myriad of ways and learned to be more efficient in the process.

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