Speculative fiction is something that’s often hovered on the borders of drama, fantasy and sci-fi, and one of the huge benefits of the streaming media revolution is that much more of the genre has found a way in front of both a camera and a large audience.
As the post-Covid era approaches, Gravity Media says it is now ready for the future of editing and a noticeable shift towards a hybrid working model.
Cantemo’s media asset management system, Cantemo Portal sports features which offer users greater control, detailed content insights and an improved user experience.
A recent Lawo remote activities case study notes, “It should be obvious by now that remote operation has been seriously underrated. For some, it allows to save substantial amounts of money, while others will appreciate the time gained from not having to travel.”
Studios Piccolo, the largest recording facility in the province of Quebec, upgraded one of its Piccolo Mobile remote production trucks in January with the installation of a Solid State Logic System T networked broadcast audio platform. The truck’s new System T comprises a 48-fader S500m compact and lightweight mobile modular control surface, twin redundant Tempest T80 engines, supporting up to 800 signal paths, and a 16-fader Remote Tile.
Edge cloud service provider Zenlayer releases a new set of features for its cloud networking product including traffic engineering in the backbone, BGP, enhanced API functions and data insights for customers.
Imagine and MBC collaborated to achieve the broadcaster’s goals of creating a highly efficient playout automation environment that protects revenue streams through multiple, interlocking redundancies, while providing opportunities for future expansion.
This workflow lets you shoot directly to the cloud, making files available anywhere in the world the moment cameras stop rolling. It’s included with all paid Frame.io plans at no additional cost.