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Home makes it easy to set up cloud-hosted deployments, whether they are hosted locally, remotely, or even at a third-party data center.

Lawo Unveils New Home For Managing And Securing IP Infrastructures April 26th 2021 - 10:30 AM

While many professionals have come to understand how to configure IP-based infrastructures to handle the distribution of audio and video files, managing specific devices on the network has been extremely complex, at best. Recognizing this, Lawo has developed a new software management platform called Home that makes it easy to set up, manage and benefit from the flexibility, scalable nature and signal-agnostic design that comes with IP infrastructures.

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Advanced Dolby Atmos And IMF Packaging Capabilities Added To Rohde & Schwarz CLIPSTER April 26th 2021 - 10:00 AM

With advanced Dolby Atmos and IMF capabilities, Rohde & Schwarz strengthens R&S CLIPSTER brand as high-quality content creation platform for cinematic, episodic TV and home entertainment markets.

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HDR: Part 23 - DOPs: How Useful Is The iPhone Really For Professional Production? April 26th 2021 - 09:00 AM

We’ve heard the hype, and I admit I’ve contributed my fair share. The iPhone is able to capture impressively sharp, high-resolution images that stand up to critical examination even when magnified and viewed on a 20-meter cinema screen. The iPhone’s onboard software compensates for the most egregious image defects, applying on-the-fly color correction, noise reduction, and broad optical compensation that eliminates chromatic aberrations, barrel distortion, and a host of other things, from what is, after all, an exceedingly modest lens.

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GENTEC turns to TSL’s Audio Monitoring and Broadcast Control Units to provide a dependable solution for local outside broadcast project.

Saudi Broadcasting Authority Rely On TSL Products For OB Project April 23rd 2021 - 11:00 AM

When GENTEC, a leading contractor for telecommunications, electronics and computer projects, was recently tasked with a first-of-its-kind outside broadcast project at Saudi Broadcasting Authority (SBA), they knew that TSL’s audio monitoring and broadcast control solutions would be up to the challenge.

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Industry To Be Consulted On IBC 2021 Physical Event Plans April 23rd 2021 - 10:30 AM

IBC set out more details around its plans to bring the content and technology industry together again to discover the future of media and do business face to face. The world’s most inspiring content and technology event is set to lead the way in a new era of inclusive hybrid events, enabling the industry to engage and discover together, whether physically onsite in Amsterdam or online at home.

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Iconik MAM.

Iconik MAM Improves Remote Collaboration April 23rd 2021 - 09:00 AM

Iconik has launched new updates to its media management tool, which it says will allow remote users to collaborate more effectively.

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Leveraging AI and machine learning, the MPAI hopes to improve coding efficiency beyond what EVC can do.

Improving Compression Efficiency With AI April 23rd 2021 - 09:00 AM

A group of international technology vendors and broadcasters is working on developing and implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) standards to improve video coding. Calling itself MPAI (Moving Picture, Audio and Data Coding by Artificial Intelligence) they believe that machine learning can improve efficiency of the existing Enhanced Video Coding standard by about 25 percent.

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AJA Corvid.

AJA Adopts AI Solutions April 22nd 2021 - 10:30 AM

The AJA Software Development Kit (SDK) supports the NVIDIA Jetson platform for edge AI, and the NVIDIA Clara AGX developer kit, which provides real-time AI and imaging.

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