IP is delivering new opportunities in terms of distributed processing and de-centralization. In the second part in this series, we look at the practicalities of using COTS hardware and the advantages it has for multiviewer monitoring over traditional SDI hardware solutions.
Tolka, a globally active leader in the development and provision of media-related telecommunication products and services, announces a major addition to its range. Tolka ADS is a personalized advertisement delivery system which allows broadcasters to deliver specific promotional content and commercials to targeted groups within their transmission footprint. A key feature of Tolka ADS is that no internet return path is needed.
For most of its history, film and TV work has, by any sane measure, been incredibly complicated. Photochemical film was a nightmare of precision engineering and process control. Digital alternatives, intended to make things cheaper and simpler, involve some of our highest-performance electronics.
AJA Video Systems has released Desktop Software v16.1 for KONA, Io, and T-TAP Pro products, alongside AJA SDK v16.1 for Developer Partners.
Argosy, a UK based supplier of broadcast and AV infrastructure products, has launched Hyperflex, a package of SMPTE camera cables and associated products for HD and Ultra HD.
The pressure to extract more revenue from ever shrinking budgets, due to expensive content rights contracts, is causing Broadcasters to re-evaluate—and in many cases reduce—how they spend their money on production tools and infrastructure. Recognizing this, live production technology providers like Grass Valley are getting “creative” in how they sell their products and cloud-native systems.
Video interface and IP workflow vendor Magewell has launched multi-device management software available free of charge for on-premises server or cloud hosting platforms.
The conversion of monochrome TV to color was quite a trick, but it came at a cost.