It’s still early days for live Dolby Atmos broadcasting in the United States, but Glenn Stilwell, senior audio engineering and operations manager for the Pac-12 Networks, is ready for it. Indeed, not only has Stilwell been experimenting with creating Dolby Atmos mixes in preparation for its more widespread use in live broadcasting, but he is also helping to train A1s in the technical aspects of the immersive format.
Turkish TV maker Vestel and Norwegian developer of OTT video software Vewd have launched a jointly-developed customizable smart TV package for operators to launch services around a complete end to end ecosystem, embracing smart TV and online apps as well as traditional linear TV.
ATTO is introducing support for LTO-9 tape technology across its product lines.
Live TV production may not be the best fit for perfectionists who can’t recognize ‘good enough’ and move on. Live TV has no patience, no second chances and can never be late. Every live shot is a first impression.
Danish broadband operator SAFnet has deployed Harmonic’s CableOS platform for 10G-capable fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) XGS-PON service delivery.
Artel Video Systems new FiberLink ST 2110 Gateway bridges SDI interfaces to JT-NM-tested SMPTE ST 2110 IP media streams.
The SMPTE 2021 Annual Technical Conference (SMPTE 2021 ATC), will be hosted virtually from Nov. 9-11 and Nov. 16-18, with daily four-hour sessions offered.
Highlights of its Infocomm exhibit include Draco MultiView 4K60 processor, Draco tera flex series KVM matrix systems, Draco vario ultra DisplayPort 1.1 dual-head extender, and Draco vario ultra HDMI 2.0 extenders.