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OpenMedia will enable France Télévisions to adapt to market standards and overcome internal developments.

France Télévisions Modernizes Newsrooms With CGI OpenMedia February 9th 2022 - 10:00 AM

France Télévisions is standardizing its editorial tools through CGI’s OpenMedia solution. Planned for a period of four years, this contract is valued at more than 3.5 million euros.

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NBC has plans to live stream and broadcast more than 2800 hours of exciting Winter Olympics coverage. Courtesy NBC.

Winter Olympics Infrastructure Challenges February 9th 2022 - 09:00 AM

“We’ll start off in Beijing, we’ll have that great opening week of Beijing in the Winter Games, and then smack dab in the middle of the Winter Olympics we have the Super Bowl. And I think we’ll be able to talk about the Olympics during the Super Bowl, we’ll be able to talk about the Super Bowl and the lead up to it during the Olympics.” Pete Bevacqua, NBC Sports Chairman.

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Data Analytics Keeps Super Bowl Viewers Engaged For Longer February 8th 2022 - 09:00 AM

The NFL (National Football League) Super Bowl has been a show piece for TV technology since its inception in 1967 and more recently for the power of data analytics, both to improve performance on the field and increase engagement for viewers.

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Teams and collaborators use Cirkus to make collaboration simple and complete.

Farmerswife Launches SaaS Solution Cirkus February 7th 2022 - 11:00 AM

The cloud-based Cirkus is available as both an integration for Farmerswife, or as a standalone product, and can be used by teams and freelancers in remote workflows to simplify collaboration.

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Cinema with a VEO.

Globecast And EasyBroadcast Create Live Cinema For VEO February 7th 2022 - 10:00 AM

Cinémas, based in the south of France, has selected Globecast, in partnership with EasyBroadcast, a France-based, streaming technology supplier, to provide a B2B OTT service for distributing live content to cinemas.

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Conformance Levels In Audio Over IP Networking February 7th 2022 - 09:30 AM

Why Should You Conform? There has always been a necessity for different pieces of technical equipment to work together. As time moved on and technologies evolved, that requirement has called for both more complexity and greater harmonisation. In audio this was relatively straightforward when everything was analogue. The major challenge at that time was finding the right connector or, if necessary, adaptor.

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Returning to in-person for the first time since February 2020, the 2022 HPA Tech Retreat will adhere to strict health protocols.

2022 HPA Tech Retreat Returns In Person February 7th 2022 - 09:00 AM

After a year of meeting virtually, the Hollywood Professional Association (HPA) is hosting its Technology Retreat conference in person this year and members could not be happier. The highly anticipated gathering of the industry’s forward-looking technologists working at many of the largest companies in the U.S., is being held February 21-24 at the Westin Mission Hills Golf Resort & Spa in Rancho Mirage, Calif.

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New language variants in the configuration tool for G&D KVM systems make operation easier.

G&D Adds Languages February 4th 2022 - 09:00 AM

The launch of new firmware for the digital KVM matrix switches ControlCenter-Compact and ControlCenter-Digital and digital extender, supports French, Chinese and Russian as language variants.

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