Deploying Riedel’s Bolero wireless intercom system on its broadcast-camera motorcycles, Danish RF video specialist Krickhahn TV ensures seamless communications between the camera operator, driver, and production team during live coverage of cycling road races.
Cooking has long been a popular subject for television, partly because everyone has to eat, but also because it’s the sort of programming that can, in principle, be turned out of a studio in half-hour chunks, several times a day.
Black Box has introduced its KVXHP Series Quad Monitor KVM extenders, which leverage DisplayPort 1.2 Multi-Stream Transport (MST) technology over Cat 5/6 or fiber to support up to four external displays with minimal cabling at the user’s desktop. Offering true plug-and-play, point-to-point KVM extension, the KVXHP Series gives users high-performance access to a remote computer, with a single cable feeding all monitors.
The Fourier transform is one of the most enduring and looking at the basics is a good place to start.
Silver Trak Digital company DAMsmart says Sky TV in New Zealand, used its kit to digitise over 23,000 hours of sports footage from their archive.
TiVi5MONDE, owned by French network TV5MONDE, is a 24/7 French language children’s network, featuring cartoons, educational shows, and teen series.
The SMART openGear Platform is the flagship for Artel at NAB 2022.
Here we look from the state of the art in microphones, to what the future may bring with the enticing theoretical potential of microphone arrays built using MEMS technology.