Bitmovin, a provider of video streaming solutions, has announced that NAGRA, the media and entertainment technology division of the Kudelski Group, is integrating Bitmovin’s Player with its streaming security and consumer engagement solutions including OpenTV Video Platform.
Interra Systems has announced a strategic partnership with Videlio, a well-renowned French audiovisual integration and services provider. Videlio will collaborate closely with Interra Systems to enhance local support and deliver advanced quality control (QC) and analysis solutions to broadcast and post-production companies.
Major enhancements for its A/V QC solutions, cloud native Quasar and on-prem Pulsar, and its caption QC, cloud native CapMate, will be on display at IBC 2024.
People often say that AI is just a tool. But it’s not. That’s a fundamental mistake and likely to be wrong by several orders of magnitude.
Deployment of cloud technologies and IP transport has surged over the last year, focused on reducing costs, improving quality of experience, and meeting increasingly stringent demands for energy efficiency. Security of live streams remains an unsolved challenge, with continuing emphasis on threat detection and resolution in near real time for valuable sports events in particular.
Linear channels are thriving rather than going away and this is challenging service providers and their technology suppliers to compete by introducing more interactivity and personalization more akin to streaming. Channel creation and playout are also becoming increasingly integrated and demanding common automation products so that human effort can be diverted from repetitive to more creative tasks.
The VX Software Platform compliments the architecture of Appear’s hardware-based X Platform, providing open and flexible foundations to enable next-generation broadcast workflows and services.
Actus Digital will showcase its enhanced compliance and monitoring suite at IBC 2024. This year marks a significant milestone for Actus Digital as they celebrate their 20th anniversary. In that time, Actus Digital has delivered over 1,300 reliable monitoring systems initiated by its four global offices: USA (HQ), Europe, Emirates, and Asia.