As demand continues to grow the eternal search for ever greater efficiency through optimization of processing, publishing, and storage of ready-to-stream VOD files remains a core developmental goal.
Hiltron Communications announces a new addition to its product range with the introduction of the Drive-Away transportable satellite link. Designed for use in applications requiring very high precision uplink, downlink or bi-directional connectivity, the new system comprises a 3.7 metre diameter segmented parabolic reflector on a specially developed motorised steering mount.
Broadpeak, a provider of content delivery network (CDN) and video streaming solutions for content providers and pay-TV operators worldwide, has announced that Brazilian operator NxTV is using an innovative targeted advertising solution from Broadpeak to monetize its new free ad-supported streaming TV (FAST) channels.
5G Broadcast is coming to the boil as different factions converge on the field, including traditional broadcasters, streaming providers, mobile operators, CDN (Content Delivery Network) companies, and mobile device makers, as well as regulators at both global and national levels.
To attract and retain an audience, OTT services must provide excellent customer experience by delivering content at the highest possible quality. Service must be smooth, uninterrupted and in the resolution required by the customer. This is one of the key ways OTT will continue to attract more viewers and fulfil its potential of being the main-stream method of media consumption.
Welcome to the first part of ‘Designing IP Broadcast Systems’ - a major 18 article exploration of the technology needed to create practical IP based broadcast production systems. Part 1 discusses the need to think asynchronously, layers & topologies, the need for shared experience, hybrid systems, and timing.
Miyagi Television Broadcasting, a key broadcaster in the Tohoku area in Japan’s Miyagi Prefecture, has chosen Riedel’s products to create an unmatched communication ecosystem. Riedel’s Artist and Bolero systems provide the balance of functionality, performance, and cost required by the broadcasting giant, as well as ease of use and simple maintenance.
BT Group has unveiled a pioneering new technology, designed to be a more reliable, quality-focused and sustainable way of delivering live content over the internet. Multicast-Assisted Unicast Delivery (MAUD) technology is aimed at improving viewer experiences and increasing the efficiency of the complex journey that content takes to reach them.