Seven Internet giants have joined forces to build an open source codec to challenge HEVC for compressing high definition video content and especially Ultra HD (UHD) or 4K. The new Open Media Alliance Source project has the stated intention of developing “next-generation media formats, codecs and technologies” but the subtext is to oust HEVC as the codec for emerging UHD services, particularly on desktop PCs and laptops, although with growing convergence mobile and even broadcast platforms will also be targets.
Many industry commentators seem to consider a pure cloud delivery model to be broadcasting nirvana and that hybrid/cloud solutions are simply a rung on the ladder leading to the cloud. But, what if one size doesn’t fit all?
The 2015 Arris Consumer Entertainment Index finds that nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of global consumers have issues with Wi-Fi in the home — a likely consequence of the rapidly increasing number of connected media devices.
Regardless of the business model, supported devices or distribution channels, the success of Internet-delivered television is driven by an age-old truth: content is king, says a new report from Conviva.
The future of TV broadcasting is in the air, but maybe not on the air. FCC repack auctions and ATSC 3.0 introduce new variables further complicating predictions of TV’s future, even with a UHD crystal ball and a good lawyer. A lot of people without call letters want to tell broadcasters what to do. To what destination are TV stations being lead?
Spectrum scarcity is giving TV channels and broadcast operators a real challenge to introduce 4K services for terrestrial television. Combining scalable coding with HEVC and hybrid broadcast/broadband distribution is an answer. In this solution, HDTV transmissions on DTT remains unchanged and an enhancement layer is sent over the internet to allow the TV set or the set top box to decode and display the 4K picture.
When Google deprecated the Netscape Plugin Application Programming Interface (NPAPI) in their Chrome web browser, we entered a new era of DRM. NPAPI was ancient, in digital terms and widely derided for severely outdated security measures. But as one of the key technologies used by Java and Silverlight, this move has left many video content providers scrambling to find new ways to stream rights-controlled content.
Nine months before the 600 MHz auction is scheduled to open and proponents on all sides claim reasons and rights to spectrum territory. The drama leading up to the big auction has all the ingredients of a ratings-winning TV show. This is extreme reality TV nobody will see on TV.