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The transition from a Flash player to HTML5 playout need not be complicated.

Applied Technology: Migrating from Flash Player to an HTML5 Solution October 22nd 2015 - 08:00 AM

The problem with Flash Player is that it is insecure. Mozilla even disabled it for a couple of days in July due to vulnerabilities. The solution is to move to an HTML5-based playout. The transition need not be complex.

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Eight million pixels and four times larger than HD. That

UHD 2015: Confusion Continues October 21st 2015 - 08:00 AM

Bringing the new UHD television format to market is a herculean project . Not just because multiple companies and products have to be developed, but an entire infrastructure must be designed and put into place. With UHD, that means supporting H.265 and VP9 streaming. Now, Google plans to release VP10, which is twice as efficient as HVEC/VP9.

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Catch up services like BBC iPlayer have offset growth in DVR usage.

Catch Up Boom Halts Historic Growth in DVR October 20th 2015 - 11:00 AM

The seemingly inexorable year on year increase in DVR usage has at last been halted in some major countries by a strong swing towards catch up services direct from the pay TV operator as an alternative for accessing time shifted content. This trend is evident in the US, UK and France, but the situation is complicated by significant differences not just between countries but also platforms and individual operators.

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A Video Quality and Measurement Overview: Part 1 October 20th 2015 - 08:00 AM

Consumers care less about how content is delivered to their device than about the quality of the experience (QoE) on that device. This means engineers need to rethink how test and measurement tools can best be applied.

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Broadcasters and publishers need to embrace the new OTT delivery technologies.

Building a Successful, Multi-screen, Multi-platform OTT Service October 19th 2015 - 02:00 PM

Video consumption has changed. Over-the-top (OTT) technologies have made the TV just one screen among many. The new reality has brought multiple new platforms and devices to consumers, which means reaching the masses requires big investments in both video delivery and application development.

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As ATSC 3.0 Lumbers Along, Many Obstacles for Broadcasters Lie Ahead October 13th 2015 - 01:00 PM

A big chunk of the ATSC 3.0 standard — the “physical layer” — has finally graduated to candidate standard status. It’s a major achievement, but there are still many other components of the complex project ahead. As many as twenty components of the complete standard are still in play — scheduled to all be complete in the first quarter of 2017.

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Scaling networks for video does not get any easier, especially for mobile services, according to Seacom’s Head of Engineering Mark Tinka.

Elastic CDNs Can Play Key Role Scaling OTT for Live Video October 12th 2015 - 01:00 PM

The growing ability of CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) to enable live video streaming over the Internet was a major theme at the Content Delivery World 2015 forum in London on October 5-7. Vendors and operators agreed that virtualization of the CDN was essential for scaling high quality OTT services by separating network control from the underlying hardware, avoiding reliance on a specific configuration that might run out of capacity. With virtualization, a given service can call on large reserves of capacity as required to meet peak demand.

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The white paper argues for an industry standard for measuring the performance of recommendation engines.

​How Smart is Your Data? October 11th 2015 - 08:00 AM

Semantically enhanced smart data, combined with analytics, can provide powerful business marketing tools for video distributors according to Spideo. In its white paper, “How Smart is your Data? the video recommendation engine provider explores several areas in which semantically enhanced smart data opens up new business opportunities and demonstrates the impact recommendation engines have on user experiences.

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