This groundbreaking product, created initially for a major sporting franchise, utilizes the cutting-edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology of AI-Media’s flagship LEXI product.
Rohde & Schwarz will show visitors at Mobile World Congress 2024 (26 – 29 February, Fira Gran Via Barcelona) a complete ecosystem for the revolutionary 5G Broadcast standard, delivering valuable new revenue streams for broadcasters and network operators. The presentation will emphasize that the system is ready for rollout and will show the pathways to additional revenues.
The purpose of the new Video Delivery Network model is to provide high-performing capacity with economies of scale for the benefit of (potentially) all broadcasters in a geographic location.
It’s difficult for local stations generally focused on earning positive numbers during the next sweeps to invest much time contemplating station technology needs five to ten years out. This story explores what new direction TV broadcasting could go, from the perspective of someone who controls budgets and strategic direction years in advance: A generic media group Corporate Board member.
Riedel Communications has announced that its RefBox video review system has been certified as part of the FIFA Quality Programme for Video Assistant Refereeing (VAR) technology.
When we think of glue in broadcast infrastructures, we tend to think of the interface equipment that connects different protocols and systems together. However, IP infrastructures add another level of complexity to our concept of glue.
Our partner MainStreaming share their unique insight into the commercial and technical forces shaping the future of streaming for broadcasters.
This article gives an overview of the various codec specifications currently in use. ISO and non-ISO standards will be covered alongside SMPTE 2110 elements to contextualize all the different video coding standard alternatives and their comparative efficiency - all of which will be covered in more detail later in this series.