Broadcasters must ally over platform development and in some cases over content creation if they are to survive the ever-strengthening assault from the OTT giants under the acronym of FAANG (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google).
Broadcasters, pay TV operators and Telcos are failing to harness subscriber data and analytics to engage consumers and customers. Yet they rank customer experience as top priority and believe they must improve it to be competitive so there is a disconnect between their aspirations and current application of data analytics.
Broadcasters struggling to meet the challenge of OTT might be reassured by the latest research from Intel suggesting next generation wireless networks including cellular and Wi-Fi will generate $3 trillion revenue over the next decade 2019-2028.
The new, next-gen TV standard is expected to be launched by individual TV stations beginning in 2020, concurrent with the anticipated introduction of consumer TVs equipped to receive the new standard.
Lifesaving capabilities of the Next-Gen TV advanced warning functions are among many new benefits the technology makes available to viewers.
Virtual Reality (VR) 360° content is still very new, but that does not make viewer expectations any more relaxed. If anything, the required quality level is even more important with VR content due to the expectations for immersiveness, which can be broken by just a minor glitch in delivery.
In 2014 the World Teleport Association (WTA) began certifying the facilities and operating procedures of teleports. Certification provides an objective and transparent way for teleport operators to validate the quality of their operations, and for customers to choose vendors that offer the right price-performance level for their needs.
The industry has long considered Ultra High Definition (UHD) with High Dynamic Range (HDR) to be the ‘wow factor’ behind the next-generation TV viewing experience. Unfortunately, there are too many different HDR formats being touted, causing industry confusion about how to proceed, which in turn has delayed deployments.