Error correction is fascinating not least because it involves concepts that are not much used elsewhere, along with some idiomatic terminology that needs careful definition.
Computer systems continue to dominate the landscape for broadcast innovation and the introduction of microservices is having a major impact on the way we think about software. This not only delivers improved productivity through more efficient workflow solutions for broadcasters, but also helps vendors to work more effectively to further improve the broadcaster experience.
Fears among major streaming providers that consumers may kick back against growing content fragmentation have been confirmed in a recent US survey from polling group YouGov for The Trade Desk, a developer of data-driven advertising software.
LTN Global Communications helped Boombox successfully stream the 2019 FIA Gran Turismo World Championship Tour with live, broadcast-quality TV streams in 7 languages.
Computer game apps read compressed artificial world descriptions from a disk file. This artificial world is regenerated by the CPU and loaded into the GPU where it is displayed to the gamer. The gamer’s actions are fed back to the GPU which dynamically modifies the artificial world it displays.
The derivation of the famous CIE horseshoe was explained in the previous part in terms of a re-mapping or distortion of rg color space. The derivation is somewhat abstract because the uses of color science go far beyond the applications in broadcasting. However it is equally possible to describe CIE color space from a more television-centered point of view.
From the Women’s World Cup, Wimbledon to the FA Cup Final and more, 2019 has seen some of the highest viewership stats in sporting event history.
As broadcasters continue to differentiate themselves through live programing and events, intercom is gaining more influence now than ever. This is especially true for large arena events where mobile crews demand the freedom of wireless connectivity. But as RF technology grows, the 2.4GHz band is becoming saturated.