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The Sponsors Perspective: Social Revolution Highlights Need For Effective Media Monitoring July 13th 2020 - 09:00 AM

When broadcast TV was the only media consumption option available to consumers – video monitoring was regarded as a luxury. Today it is seen as an essential requirement in all forms of media content delivery.

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Physical distancing has changed how local TV programs are produced and it helps keep stations on the air.

How Does Your Station Compare? July 10th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Engineers and production crews help local TV stations maintain distancing and a sunny on-air personality.

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Data Recording and Transmission: Part 21 - Reed-Solomon Error Correcting Codes July 8th 2020 - 09:00 AM

The explosion in digital technology that led to Compact Discs, DVD, personal computers, digital cameras, the Internet and digital television broadcasting relies heavily on a small number of enabling technologies, one of which is the use of Reed-Solomon error correcting codes.

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Leveraging The Cloud Keeps Media Businesses Running Smoothly July 7th 2020 - 09:00 AM

While cloud computing and storage have reimagined how remote workflows are implemented, they can also play a huge role in business continuity and even disaster recovery. As many major productions have already proven, the key to continued success is extending traditional on-premise workflows into the cloud.

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OTT (Or Is It ABR?) - Part 3 - DASH-CMAF With HTTP/1.1 Chunked Transfer For Low Latency July 6th 2020 - 09:00 AM

ABR segments are transferred conventionally using HTTP/1.0 transfers, where the client requests the whole segment and it is transferred using store-and-forward transfers, where all the data belonging to the transfer is buffered before sending. In order to start the transfer, the size of the segment needs to be known.

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Cloud Native Technology Ensures Media Business Success July 1st 2020 - 09:00 AM

As the media landscape continues to streamline the way it delivers content, cloud-native technology, that is, container-based virtualized environments that replicate traditional workflows on premise, is playing a big role. However, some broadcasters moving their assets and processing power to the cloud are performing a simple “forklift,” which is often not sufficient to address the types of complex signal processing and infrastructure flexibility required.

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The Sponsors Perspective: TAG Video Systems Introduces New Business Model For Broadcast Technology July 1st 2020 - 09:00 AM

With the emergence of the cloud into the media production and delivery space, the broadcast and media industry must embrace an entirely new approach to acquiring and deploying technology. Large capital expenditures (CapEx) are increasingly being replaced by operating expense (OpEx) budgets that are more flexible and aligned with the operational requirements of broadcast facilities.

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OTT (Or Is It ABR?) - Part 2 - The Mechanics Of ABR Delivery June 29th 2020 - 09:00 AM

ABR delivery offers the prospect of automatic adaptation of bit rates to the prevailing network conditions. Since the client is aware of the set of available bit rates, it can determine, segment-by-segment, which is the optimal bit rate to use.

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