PlayBox Neo expands the software connectivity of its ProductionAirBox Neo-20 broadcast playout server, with support now provided for the Octopus Newsroom computer system.
Video, audio and metadata monitoring in the IP domain requires different parameter checking than is typically available from the mainstream monitoring tools found in IT. The contents of the data payload are less predictable and packet distribution more tightly defined leading to the need to use specialist media stream centric monitoring tools.
New channel GB News will launch on Red Bee Media’s cloud-based Managed Playout Service. Red Bee will also manage the playout of all GB News’ broadcasts.
Seamless integration between AVIWEST’s bonded cellular technology and CyanView’s RCP multicamera control panel enables reliable, low-latency IP-based transmission of control signals from multiple camera types and brands to the control room for live production. Using AVIWEST technology and CyanView RCP, broadcasters can simplify remote operations, reduce costs, and enhance their creativity.
A recent Lawo remote activities case study notes, “It should be obvious by now that remote operation has been seriously underrated. For some, it allows to save substantial amounts of money, while others will appreciate the time gained from not having to travel.”
Imagine and MBC collaborated to achieve the broadcaster’s goals of creating a highly efficient playout automation environment that protects revenue streams through multiple, interlocking redundancies, while providing opportunities for future expansion.
In this article, George Kroon, research broadcast engineer, takes a look at how Negative ARQ protocols similar to those used for internet streaming and contribution can be improved specifically for broadcast television.
SK Telecom (SKT), South Korea’s largest telecom operator, has joined the SRT Alliance, founded jointly in 2017 by Haivision and Wowza Media Systems to promote the SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) low latency video streaming protocol.