Media security firm Irdeto, based in Amsterdam, has joined the AWS for Media & Entertainment initiative from Amazon Web Services (AWS).
TV engineers are always busy behind the scenes, monitoring and maintaining technical quality to make the station and those in front of the cameras sound and look their best, and thinking of ways to make it better.
Mórbido TV has chosen Veset Nimbus, the professional cloud playout SaaS from Veset, to distribute its linear channel to multiple destinations in Latin America.
LTN Global says its cloud-based linear playout solution empowers content creators to run linear channels and increase ROI.
Popular French TV network Metropole Television (M6 Group) is upgrading its production video routing infrastructure to Riedel’s MediorNet real-time video networking topology.
If there’s one thing the production community has learned during the pandemic, it’s that ensuring the safety of the crew on site or in the studio should always be first and foremost in people’s minds. The second takeaway is that sending less people on site and implementing more remote support is the new normal that the industry is, somewhat begrudgingly, coming to terms with.
Uninterrupted connectivity between multiple locations enabled instant communication with remote directors, agency and clients, cutting production time on set.
Over the past year, as broadcasters and production companies have expended great effort to reconfigure their workflows and develop new ways of working amid strict safety protocols, so too have the manufacturers of the technology and systems they rely on.