Haivision has upgraded its flagship ultra-low latency video encoder, the Makito X4, which incorporates the SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) protocol it invented and then open sourced.
Red Bee Media has connected Síminn to its Channel Store and is now delivering channel aggregation services to the Icelandic telecommunications company.
The recent news that NTV has become the first Russian TV channel to experiment with 5G broadcast, one of many such transmission tests that have been conducted over the past 18 months, illustrates that broadcasters see a bright future in the next-generation cellular data delivery system.
Using AWS Cloud Digital Interface (CDI), EEG has expanded its Alta IP caption and subtitle encoder capabilities to include support for real-time captioning for uncompressed live video over IP.
TAG Video Systems to enable NBC Olympics to ensure the highest level of quality of OTT during its coverage of Tokyo Olympics.
In the beginning, there was television. And whenever people tried to make television programmes effective video signal monitoring was an essential pre-requisite.
In real systems the issue of sampling rate conversion arises frequently but fortunately there are plenty of solutions.
Software release V4.3 adds support for a host of new SDI and IP standards, plus advanced ST 2110 IP Signal Generation