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Available now in multiple formats including VST2, VST3, AAX and AU.

Solid State Logic Announces Fusion HF Compressor Plug-In December 20th 2021 - 11:00 AM

The HF Compressor Plug-in emulates the high frequency smoothing circuit found in the SSL Fusion stereo outboard compressor, bringing the sound of analogue rounding to your DAW.

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PYTCH Fulfills AV Package Contract With Martin Audio Loudspeakers December 20th 2021 - 10:00 AM

PYTCH, a Bristol based experiential company has added to its vast quantity of Martin Audio loudspeakers, used in both their rental stock and virtual studio.

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STV is the first Riedel customer in Japan to use the MicroN media distribution network device as a core video router.

Sapporo TV Deploys Riedel MicroN Devices As A Core Router In Distributed AV Network December 20th 2021 - 09:30 AM

Sapporo Television Broadcasting Co. Ltd. (STV) has deployed 17 Riedel MicroN media distribution network devices along with two MetroN core routers as part of a distributed MediorNet real-time media network extending across two control rooms, broadcast master control, news editing, and other areas of the station. With this deployment, STV has become the first Riedel customer in Japan to use the MicroN media distribution network device as a core video router.

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Formula 1 Racing has used Riedel Comms systems for nearly three decades to keep its crews and drivers on the same page during a race.

Formula 1 Season Supported By IP Distributed Network And Elbow Grease December 17th 2021 - 09:00 AM

In the action-packed and frenetic world of motorsports operations, crew communications at the track can be as important to success as the actual performance of the car itself. Monitoring telemetry from the cars and managing and distributing hundreds of audio channels has also become vital. It’s hard work configuring the required technology infrastructures on a weekly basis during the 11-month Formula 1 (F1) racing season, but well worth it.

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Cloud Microservice Workflow Design - Part 2 December 16th 2021 - 09:00 AM

In the second of the articles in this cloud microservices workflow series, we take a deeper look at how microservices are integrated into workflows using RESTful APIs, as well as reviewing storage deployment and accessibility “on your terms”.

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Hype Republic’s post production facility.

Genelec Builds The Hype December 15th 2021 - 10:30 AM

Australian post-production facility, Hype Republic, is empowering filmmakers to create the highest quality work with a Genelec 7.1.4 Dolby Atmos monitoring system complemented by Genelec GLM Loudspeaker Manager software.

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The Sponsors Perspective: The Future Of Broadcasting Is Hybrid December 15th 2021 - 09:00 AM

For broadcasters to be profitable and stay ahead of the curve in this competitive market, they need to develop hybrid strategies with secure technology to accommodate remote workers without losing productivity. This was a direction the industry had been heading towards for some time, but the pandemic forced the industry’s hand at a more accelerated rate.

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NUGEN Audio is shining a spotlight on its 3D-compatible convolution reverb, Paragon, for the broadcast/film audio market.

NUGEN Audio Emphasizes Paragon Convolution Reverb For The Broadcast Film Market December 14th 2021 - 11:00 AM

Offering full control of the decay, room size and brightness via state-of-the-art re-synthesis modelled on 3D recordings of real spaces, Paragon provides an unprecedented level of tweak-ability, with zero time-stretching―meaning no artifacts.

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