Radio broadcast station, Kayu FM, has chosen to serve its listeners using Lawo RƎLAY virtual radio software.
The increasing commercial demand for Dolby Atmos mixes has led to Forbes Street Studios in Sydney’s Woolloomooloo joining the spatial audio movement, by creating an immersive mixing environment in its main studio – complete with a 9.1.4 Genelec Smart Active Monitoring system.
Given their importance to broadcasting, as well as to everyday life, an understanding of waves is a good investment. Here we look at how to go about reaching that understanding.
Peter Lawo, founder of the German company for broadcast and media technologies named after him, passed away on November 24, 2022, at the age of 85.
Utilizing many of the same attributes as its UHF predecessor, the Maxiva PMTX-1 integrates a low-power transmitter or transposer/translator to support a diverse array of VHF and DAB use cases, from filling coverage gaps to delivering focused broadcast content as a spot transmitter.
Spatial audio has become mainstream in gaming because it takes the principles and technology of immersive audio effectively and places the player inside the on-screen action. This series of articles defines the current formats and technologies and asks the obvious question; with such widespread adoption by next generation consumers, what is its potential in broadcast?
Those seeking a studio in Austria for ultra-high-quality recording of classical music inevitably come to the name “tonzauber”, and for good reason.
What once meant broadcasters sharing space inside a building now condenses the concept into a single chassis – with new challenges and opportunities.