Quince Imaging, provider of high-resolution holographic displays and visually stunning esports events, has deployed multiple MediorNet FusioN 6B edge devices and a VirtU 48-S IP core infrastructure platform for one of its latest high-profile esports projects.
Riedel’s family of software-based products for multicamera production, integrated into its portfolio after the acquisition of Simplylive, consists of the Simplylive Production Suite, the RiMotion and RiCapture replay and ingest solutions, as well as Venue Gateways and Web Multiviewers.
In the Spring of 2019, Jean Vanbraekel, Head of Operations and Distribution for RTBF, was tasked with helping to move the French-speaking public broadcaster into the IP age and he was nervous. Not because he thought it couldn’t be done, but because the required production equipment was not fully tested (or didn’t exist at all). Most devices, like production switchers and replay servers, were available only in SDI at that time.
Shock waves are interesting phenomena that take place in a number of different media. For an arcane physical process, they have done quite well to be adopted by the mainstream media as one of their clichés, along with Mae West life jackets and aircraft black boxes (which are orange).
Machine Learning, under the banner of Generative AI, is encroaching on creative aspects of Audio and Visual content generation, even down to production of movie scripts and screenplays. This builds on established applications of ML lower down the production chain, such as generation of clips and quality enhancement.
TV3, the primary television channel of the Catalan public media company Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals, has deployed a Riedel Artist ecosystem to connect its Audiovisual Production Center (CPA) and news editing facilities.
BOING Recording Studios has expanded and future-proofed its Mumbai facility with two extra rooms, to handle both stereo and immersive projects. While a variety of options were explored for the new spaces, it was the combination of Genelec Smart Active Monitors and 9301B multichannel digital audio interface that delivered the ideal hybrid monitoring solution for the studio.
Software continues to demonstrate flexibility and scalability, but the new breed of software defined hardware architectures build on the success of software to keep latency very low and flexibility and scalability high.