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Sky Sports ran a series of pre-season tests for UHD production and presentation including at Wembley.  Photo credit: Chris Lobina.

The Tried and Trusted Route to UHD Live - NEP UK November 22nd 2016 - 01:00 PM

​While Arena opted to invest in an IP core for its new fleet, Sky Sport’s other regular OB supplier, NEP UK has gone a different route out of necessity. This article, a follow up to ​the article ‘Making The Leap To 4K Live Over IP - Under The Hood At Arena’, explains its decision.

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Genelec professional monitors.

The Difference Between Loudspeakers and Professional Audio Monitors November 22nd 2016 - 08:00 AM

There are speakers and there are professional audio monitors. How do you know the difference and which should you buy for a specific pro audio application? The decision can be difficult if you don’t know the basics. Here is a primer on monitor speakers.

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On Buying My First High-Quality Microphone Stand November 11th 2016 - 08:00 AM

It may sound silly, but I have spent most of my life enduring cheaply-made, inadequate microphone stands. One day recently, I decided to change that. To my surprise, it opened a new world of options that I had missed before.

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On Connecting Pro Audio Gear to a DSLR Camera November 8th 2016 - 11:00 AM

Video-capable DSLR and mirrorless cameras are notorious for poor audio quality and flimsy connectivity. Since these cameras appeared on the market less than a decade ago, thousands of man hours have gone into creating workarounds for professional audio. Now, those problems have been solved.

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Noted audio engineer for The Doors, Bruce Botnick, relies on three JBL M2 Master Reference Monitors in his studio.

Loudspeaker Technology Part 2: The Time Domain and Human Hearing November 1st 2016 - 12:05 PM

In this second part of his loudspeaker series, John Watkinson considers the importance of the time domain to human hearing.

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Loudness Based measurement includes a filter that replicates the human ear’s response to sound volume according to frequency.

Loudness-Based Measurement Gains Momentum Among Broadcasters October 21st 2016 - 12:05 PM

For more than two decades audio professionals have relied on peak meters to monitor and adjust audio levels. The problem with peak reading meters is that, while they are great for warning against the potential for overload in a channel, they are also a terrible indicator of loudness as the audience hears it. This over-reliance on peak indications has led to problems of inconsistent loudness on both the radio and television airwaves.

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Audio professionals seek the highest quality possible when selecting speaker systems. Image: Genelec studio monitors.

Loudspeaker Technology: Part 1 October 18th 2016 - 12:05 PM

In this new series, John Watkinson discusses loudspeakers from several aspects including; how they work, the way they are perceived by the listener, the psychoacoustics of speakers. We’ll conclude this multi-part series by considering the psychology of selling and owning them. As with any technology, myths abound. If, in this series, the opportunity arises to dynamite a few, then so be it.

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Taking a Hybrid Approach to the SDI/IP Transition October 14th 2016 - 10:00 AM

There is a lot of discussion about implementing facility-wide all IP infrastructures. Even so, there are good reasons why selecting hybrid SDI/IP video/audio over IP gear offers a smoother and more cost-effective transition to the all-IP future.

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