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HDR: Part 15 - Using Vintage Stills Lenses For Digital Cinematography October 23rd 2020 - 09:00 AM

In the mid-70s, Canon released the K35 series of primes, based on its then top-of-the-line FD mount stills lenses. It wasn’t the first or last time a set of glass elements designed for stills had been repackaged for movie work, but the K35s won an Academy Award in 1977 and have since amassed a glittering resume including Barry Lyndon, Aliens and American Hustle and many others.

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Is Gamma Still Needed?: Part 5 - Processing Gamma Corrected Signals October 22nd 2020 - 09:00 AM

It is unwise to pretend that gamma corrected signals can successfully be multiplied, added and subtracted in a matrix as if they represented linear light. Yet in television it is done all the time.

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Creative Analysis: Part 9 - Cinematographer Cathal Watters On Alienist: Angel Of Darkness October 19th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Recreating a period New York in Hungary might seem an unreasonable challenge until it becomes clear that the country has become a hub for international production with at least two large-scale backlots for just that purpose. In the summer of 2019, these facilities were leveraged by The Alienist: Angel of Darkness, based on Caleb Carr’s book of the same name. Produced for TNT by a consortium led by Paramount Television, the series stars Daniel Brühl, Dakota Fanning and Luke Evans as a group investigating a serial killer in 1890s New York. Cinematography on the first season by P. J. Dillon, ISC, was nominated for a Primetime Emmy, leaving Cathal Watters, ISC, with big shoes to fill on the second.

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The best part about virtual trade shows is no lines, no tipping, comfortable chairs and instant replays.

Bonded Cellular Links Move Forward Without Shows October 12th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Changing TV station dynamics, new markets, and new technologies are driving wireless remote broadcasting link solution innovations.

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Creative Analysis: Part 8 - Making A Name By Cinematographer Li Qihang October 7th 2020 - 09:00 AM

With the population of China approaching 1.4 billion, it’s perhaps no surprise that it is fast becoming the biggest market in the world for theatrical film exhibition, with the largest number of cinema screens of any single country. Directors such as Wong Kar-Wai and the stars of Chinese cinema – names like Jet Li and Zhang Ziyi – have long been enjoying international attention, but the grass roots of Chinese film and (particularly) TV production are less often encountered outside the country.

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KABB Chief Meteorologist Alex Garcia on air from his living room green-screen wall.

KABB’s Chief Meteorologist Shares His Successful Broadcasting From Home Formula October 2nd 2020 - 09:00 AM

When the pandemic began shutting down TV stations in the spring of this year, journalists and producers were left to figure out how to work from home and set up technical systems they were very unfamiliar with. In many cases panic set in.

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HDR: Part 14 - LED TVs & Large Displays - What They Mean To DOPs September 28th 2020 - 09:00 AM

Big-screen LCD TVs are not going away any time soon. Given the economy of scale, the LCDs in our homes and studios work well enough and will continue to work well enough for several more years. But given the advances in LED display technology, especially microLED, the writing of sub-micron size pixels is literally on the wall.

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The Grass Valley LDX 100 can be configured in a number of ways, including as a high-speed, native UHD camera for sports replays.

Cameras Galore At Virtual IBC 2020 September 23rd 2020 - 09:00 AM

In terms of new broadcast cameras, if the recent virtual IBC convention is any indication of how the industry is supporting broadcast and TV studio customers, buyer confusion reigns supreme. Gone are the days of one-camera-fits-all applications.

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