For nearly two years, Michael Taylor, owner of MTJIBS — the Fort Lauderdale, Florida camera support company, has wanted to expand the company’s arsenal of solutions that they could offer their clients. But during that time, he couldn’t find the proper system to invest in that would match the high demands of the industry. Then he discovered the Motion Impossible AGITO modular dolly system.
The requirement for a wide dynamic range to be provided economically is usually met by what is loosely called gamma, which is a non-linear transfer function having numerous drawbacks. However, there is an alternative form of what might loosely be called gamma, which is floating point.
The LCP Lighting Control Panel Series is for lighting and video wall installations.
A box-type zoom lens with the world’s highest 66x magnification and a portable zoom lens with the world’s widest 7.6mm focal length will be released in February 2021.
Kazakhstan Media Center, Kazmedia, puts Grass Valley cameras front and center as part of a comprehensive studio upgrade at its Kazmedia Ortalygy facility in Nur Sultan (formerly Astana).
Timing accuracy has been a fundamental component of broadcast infrastructures for as long as we’ve transmitted television pictures and sound. The time invariant nature of frame sampling still requires us to provide timing references with sub microsecond accuracy.
Mo-Sys Engineering has established a partnership with Evolve Technology, which includes an initial purchase of several Mo-Sys StarTracker camera tracking systems.
London creative studio Electric Light Studios has used the Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 4.6K G2 to create Sigala and James Arthur’s - Lasting Lover music video.