There are many types of codecs, all used for specific purposes to reduce file sizes and make them easier to distribute down a limited bandwidth pipe. Lossy compression and Lossless compression are the two most common categories of data compression used to reduce the size of data without significant loss of information.
Intinor, a developer of products and solutions for high-quality video over internet, has added a user-configurable delay to its Direkt encoders for streaming video distribution.
Middle East’s leading news network, ABS Network (ABSN), has selected LiveU’s live video solutions for live newsgathering across the Middle East and from its Washington DC news bureau.
In this final part of the series, an attempt will be made to summarize all that has gone before and to see what it means.
Sky Italia has put Grass Valley cameras at the heart of its studio operation. The deployment is part of a wider studio camera upgrade, allowing the broadcaster to meet rising demand for live content and enable new services.
Read too much film and TV industry technical literature, and it’s easy to get the impression that everything about the technology is built to carefully considered specifications. As Philo Farnsworth’s wife was probably aware, though, as he tinkered with the electronics while she sat in as a test subject, it’s often the other way around.
The subjects of timing, synchronizing and broadcasting are inseparable and in this new series John Watkinson will look at the fundamentals of timing, areas in which fundamental progress was made, how we got where we are and where we might be going.
MSE adds another smart mounting solution to their Gobo Plate line - this time using Matthews must-have grip essential, the 5/8” Baby Pin.